part 13-17

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*sorry for taking too long guys I had some family problems and personal ones too but here is 4 chapters in one*

Jimin pov

"this girl is adorable" I heard suga say under his breath but I wonder who he was talking about? could it be y/n so I ask "who's adorable? and why are you smiling?" he laughed in response "y/n is adorable and im smiling because we are going to do our projects together, we are going out at the same time, so you can call it a mini D.A.T.E." he said making me sad as he already on his first step to wining her heart while he has wide smile plastered all over his face "what?! you are going out with y/n?! that's unfair" with the smile still on his face he responded "sorry but I got to go now, I don't want her to keep waiting, bye" as he left "what am I going to do now, I need to win her I don't want to lose her i've known y/n the same time he met her, yet I'm not as close to her" I whispered to myself.

Once I was home it was 9 "I really came home late damn" I said as I walk in trough my doors "mom, dad? I'm home" I didn't hear anything so I guess they are not home. After I put my book bag in my room I went to my kitchen "oh hi Jimin you came home late today" our chief said "hi Wilson how are you today and where is mom and dad?" I ask "I'm good today and they have a business trip for a few days normally I know your mom would cook and I would help but she ask me to cook for you till they come back" and I nodded "so why did you come home late?" He ask "I wanted some time out of the house so I went to the park to finish my homework there and I fell asleep for a few hours I guess, sorry" I said "hmm okay but next time call the house so we can know if your safe okay" and I nodded "dinner is ready go the dining table and I will serve the food" and I nodded once again and left to the dining room.

Once I finish my food, I said thank you to Wilson and i decided to go to my dance room to come up with a dance, after a few hours I came up with this

After I finish dancing to the song it remind me that on the day I met y/n and was the same time she met suga


I was walking to class with suga and jungkook, once we were in our class we went to our seats as our teacher came in five minutes after us "attention students we have a new students she is a bit shy so please be kind" she called us as we paid attention "come on in" she said as she told the new girl to get inside of the class "please introduce yourself" she ask her "umm, hi I'm y/n wang lee I'm 11 years old and I hope we can get along and be good friends" she said in a shy tone how adorable she is she is small though she don't look pretty, but she seems nice I thought to myself. But I was popular of course and i had my ego too high to care for her feelings. Once it was home room hour, suga and I found her outside near the charry blossom tree, she was humming to herself as she was drawing in her sketch book and of course I was curious to want to know what she was drawing "hey there, what's wrong with your face and what are you drawing" I said feeling gilt after I said those cruel words seeing her face turn into disappointment "nothing, I will go now, i feel like this is your place, sorry" she said as she got up and started to leave but I grabbed her hand tightly "HEY, YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION BITCH" I said making her flinch as my other hand took her sketch book "HEY GIVE IT BACK" she yelled but I ran and suga stayed behind, I guesses he said sorry for my action or something like that.

Once I was far from her i looked at the drawings, they were wonderful, you can see all the details she put into every drawing, there was roses, flowers, trees, and people I guess she knows too, but then I looked that the drawing she was working on when I found her, it was JUNGKOOK?! but I didn't understand and got confused but it was getting late so I had to go back to class luckily I didn't have anymore classes with her so I could get away and avoid her at all cost but I did text jungkook telling him we need to meet up the next day. On the next day I found her again in the same place I talked to her but she had a different sketch book and it seemed new but then I remember l didn't see suga after I took her other sketch book the day before, could he have gotten her a new one?! Wait but NO he doesn't do that at all but I didn't think about it this time I came with v and jin "HEY, we need to talk" i said "why? And where is my sketch book you stole from me yesterday" she said "listen here, if you don't come my friends will make you come" i told her as a warning "NO I WILL NOT, NOT UNTIL YOU GIVE ME BACK MY SKETCH BOOK" she yelled and then the guys looked at me and i nodded as they went up to her "wait, what are you going to do?!" she ask in a worried voice "nothing, guys lets go" I walked and the guy followed, holding y/n.

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