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Hi my name is Bridie I am 15 years old I live with my mum and dad. Mum is a lawyer and dad is a real estate agent.

Our family is RICH and because I'm the only child I get what I want.

I have 3 best friends there names are Indie, Kate and Clara. We have known each other our whole lives.

I go to a private boarding school in Sydney called Bondi high I'm in year nine. The teachers are all old and back in the 18 hundreds. I probably shouldn't say that about the teacher but to be honest I don't really care. I don't care about much these days I never really have. I always get into mischievous but I never seem to get into trouble. I'm a it of a rebel pebble. Mum says I need to behave and be more of a proper lady but I don't listen to her.

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