Chapter 1

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Violet Howard the new Chief of Cardio at Seattle Grace. She walked into the hospital. looked around she saw two doctors gawking at her they seemed to be attendings since they had blue scrubs on.She moved on she headed to the attendings lounge. She quickly changed into the dark blue scrubs and headed to the Owen Hunts office her long time friend. She knocked on the door and when she got no response she walked in. Two doctors stood there talking to Owen. They took no notice to her.
"What's she doing here?" The brown haired one asked.
"Yeah you can't just hire a new Chief of Cardio and not tell us" the grey haired one replied.
"Violet Howard" She said causing the three men to turn towards her.
"Mark Sloan Plastics And this is Derek Shepard  Neurology" Mark said.
"Hey Owen"
"Hey V How Longs it been 4 5 years?"
"4" she said giving the man a hug. Mark and Derek noticed there was something oddly familiar about her. They had seen her before but they don't know where from.
"I should get going bye Owen" she waved and walked out of the room towards the elevator. Mark caught up to her.
"Where do I know you from?" He asked. She stiffened.
" No where I've never been here" she lied. Mark knew she was lying but  he didn't want to bring it up. He gazed at her taking in all he could silently. She had strawberry blonde hair She had brown eyes she was tall not as tall as him but the normal size. She noticed him gazing at her. She was lost in his eyes he to was lost in her eyes. The elevator opened and Meredith Grey walked in. She cleared her throat which made the two look up at her. They were both blushing madly now.
"Bye Sloan"
"Bye Violet"  he waved her off and she walked to the pit where she had been paged to.
"So is that the new Cardio Chief?" He nodded.
"Don't sleep with her Owen talks highly of her and I don't want to lose another Cardio Chief" she said walking out fo the elevator.
"I've turned over a new leaf" he yelled at her.
"I was paged what do we got"
"Ava Flynn 20 was pulled out of a house fire. Due for a heart transplant."the paramedics explained. She  assessed her burn scars covered her whole arm and part of her leg.
"Page plastics!Now" she screamed at the interns that she assumed where hers. They brought the girl into the burn unit where Mark was waiting. They started debriding. There wasn't much Dr Howard's could do except help with the debriding then do the heart transplant. So she started to help doctor Sloan . The patient suddenly grabbed her hand.
"It Hurts Doctor it hurts" she screamed in between Sobs.
"Ava that's your name right" she asked softly. The girl could only muster up a nod.
"I know it hurts I've been through it to and the best thing to help with the pain is to talk through it." She said smiling softly at her.
"You've been through it to?"
"Yeah" she nodded pulling up her sleeve to show a burn scar from her shoulder to wrist.
"House fire just like you a couple years back" Mark looked at the doctors Arm nobody had mentioned that she used to be a burn victim. But to be honest nobody knew. She hadn't told anybody about the fire so nobody could have told him. "so Ava what do you do for a living?"
"I'm in college" she replied
"What are you majoring in?"
"I wanted to be a biologist when I was younger. But I decided to be a surgeon." She chuckled and Ava chuckled back. She seemed to be in less pain just like the doctor had said. After talking to the patient they had finished debriding for the day they would have to do more debriding but they had done all they could today. They walked out together Violet pulling the mask off of her face.
"I didn't know you were a burn victim. Owen didn't mention it" Mark said symphony laced in his voice.
"That's because Owen doesn't know it was a while ago about 4 years.And I'm not a burn victim I'm your  colleague" He nodded. She walked off a pang of guilt and sadness hit Mark and he couldn't help but feel bad for the doctor. She had been through so much and people were talking about her behind her back.
"Hey I know this is a long shot but would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked.
"I've heard about you. You sleep with people then never talk to them again.So no" she started to walk to Owens office to talk to him. Owen said he needed to talk to her about what only god knows.
"Wait Violet Wait. Ok so let's make some sort of deal. We go have lunch together no sex just eating and if you like me then we go on another date."
"Sloan if your doing this just so you can get me in bed it's not going to work. So no."
" Violet I'm gonna were you down. You will say yes to me they always do" he said to the girl. She smiled at him and he smiled back.
"Yeah sure Sloan see you later" she smiled walking away.
"They always say yes" he whispered to himself.

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