End of All Days

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Hello! So I'm going to be writing a longer fanfic starting now. If you want to you can imagine this was when Jared and you first met before having your baby(from the first "chapter") or you can have this be a totally different story. It's your choice. But anyways, I hope you enjoy and leave me comments down before with suggestions, ideas, etc. again I hope you enjoy and have a great morning/afternoon/night.


"Tell me again who this band is." I said looking at my best friend, Kristy.

"Thirty Seconds to Mars. Trust me, you'll love them!"

I wasn't very sure about that because the last time she told me that I did not care for the band at all but I was still open minded.

"Plus, Jared is a cutie but personally I'm a Shannon girl." she said spritz ing herself with her perfume.

"Whatever you say Kristy."


We got to the packed bar where the band was playing and so I wasn't surprised when we ha to sit pretty far back.

"Damn, I wish we were closer." Kristy said to me with apologetic eyes.

"It's fine," I told her. "we'll still be able to hear them and plus, it's a bar, people will be getting up to dance anyways."

She smiled at me.

"You're right."

"I know. now let's get a drink."

We both spotted a worker who looked like they were working the bar.

"Waiter!" we both said together laughing afterwords.


"They're just about to start" Kristy said happily.

The lights dimmed and a set of stage lights shined down on the stage where the band would be.

"Introducing, Thirty Seconds to Mars!" I heard above me.

The crowd cheered and I clapped with a smile on my face. There were three guys. Jared (who I believed was the lead singer), Shannon (who I knew was the drummer because Kristy would not stop talking about him), and Tomo who had his own range of instruments in front of him.

"How's everyone doing tonight?" I heard a beautiful voice say into a mic.

I couldn't help but be a little turned on by his voice. He was also very handsome.

The crowd erupted again and all of the guys on stage just smiled.

"Well that's good. I see some new faces back there in the nose bleed section." Jared said and for a moment I swear our eyes connected.

"We're going to start off with our song End of All Days from our new album, and we hope you enjoy." Jared's electric voice said, making me shiver.
Holy hell. His voice was magnetic. I felt moved by the lyrics and a twinge of lust. Damn he was sexy.
The band finished their set and before I was about to leave I felt a tap on my shoulder. I expected it to be an older guy looking for a fun time but instead I found Jared, and his heart wrenching blue eyes digging into mine. I dropped my purse because I was so stunned by his presence.
"Oh, shit." I said immediately, struggling to pick up everything that had fallen out of my bag.
Jared joined me adding a, "Here allow me."
I watched him pick up the almost empty pack of gum, to-go Kleenex pack, two mints and my red lipstick I kept in my purse at all times.
"Thank you." I said as he handed me my purse.
"You're very welcome." Jared said with a smile.
I wanted to tell him how much I enjoyed his band but I saw the time and figured I better get home.
I nodded at him before turning around and walking out the front door of the club. I got a couple blocks down the street from where the club was when I was grabbed by a unknown source. I screamed but before I knew it, I was blanking out and just as I was about to go into oblivion I saw Jared throw a punch at the person who attacked me.
"Are you alright?" Jared asked helping to my feet.
I shook my head. No, I wasn't okay. I was terrified. So many bad things could have happened if Jared hadn't shown up.
"Look, I'm going to call the police." He said getting out his phone but I stopped him.
"Don't, don't call the police, Jared." I said looking him in the eyes.
His eyebrows frowned he stepped closer to me.
"What do you mean? He could have hurt you and he still could. Why would you not want me to call?" He said putting a hand on my shoulder.
I took a step back and put my arms out.
"Look at what is in front of you Jared. This guy for the most part looks like a good guy right? I'm dressed like I "wanted a good time" and you're a rock star who could be pegged as the bad guy. Don't make this a bigger mess than it has to be." I said before a shiver ran down my spine.
Jared saw my shiver and immediately took of his jacket.
"No, Jared you don't have to do that." I said sticking out a hand but he insisted.
His hand found mine and his eyes felt like they saw right through me.
"Let me walk you home, please." He said quietly.
I only nodded. How else would he get his jacket back? Did I want to give his jacket back?
"My house is right up here." I said pointing in the direction of it.
"I don't think I got your name yet." He said stopping us.
"Joslyn. My name is Joslyn." I said with a smile.
We continued to walk up the sidewalk for a good five minutes and then we were there.
"Hopefully your brother isn't in there so I can get some sleep." I said with a laugh.
"Well, if he is, just give me a call." He said handing me a slip of paper.
I bit my lip and looked up into his ocean like eyes.
"Are you flirting with me Jared?" I said stepping closer to him.
"I very well could be. Would you be interested if I was?" He said placing his hands on my waist.
I smiled.

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