Chapter 1 the change

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After Praxcina left, Auriana rather pushally suggested that they try to find Maphisto.

A few moments later.

"We won't be able to find him Auriana,"Talia said she doubted that Maphisto was even alive, but Auriana wasn't going to give up, she could sense that he was alive,"no!" she said "I can sense him, he's alive," she continued, "let's split up then, we'll be able to cover more ground that way" Iris said, they all agreed (Talia reluctant) and split up to find Maphisto

With Auriana

Auriana's P.O.V

I know he's alive, I can feel it, and his aura is getting stronger, with every step I take, I know I'm going the right way, I made it to a cliff and his aura is coming from inside the cliff, I had to find a way down there, I looked around trying to find a way down and I saw a pathway, that lead down to the bottom of the cliff, as I walked around to find Maphisto his aura got stronger and stronger, until "I FOUND HIM" I screamed running towards him, he was still breathing which was a good thing, even if he was our enemy he doesn't deserve to die.

At the palace

I stayed by his side until he woke up, I didn't want to leave him alone, eventually he did to my relief "mmm.... agh.... huh....wha...." he tried to speak but through his weakened state only managed to utter a few words before fainting.

Hours later

Eventually I left the room, and went back to earth with Iris and Talia, I had asked my brother to take care of him for me, and he obliged thankfully, I just hope Maphisto will be alright, as well as my brother, considering how unpredictable Maphisto is.

No one's P.O.V

A few months went by, and Maphisto had yet to fully wake up, "he'll wake up every so often, but then fall right back to sleep," Jodan (Auriana's brother) said, "when do you think he'll fully be awake?," Auriana asked, "judging by how weaken he was, until his strength replenishes, it might take a couple of years" Jodan answered, "but... He won't get the nourishment he needs" Auriana said, she's worried that Maphisto will become malnourished, " I have a way to combat that, " her brother said, "what is it?" Auriana asked curious about what he was going to say, "let's just say that I'm working on a spell that manages to make sure you get food without choking in your sleep," he answered.

A few years later

Maphisto P.O.V

How long was I out? How am I not starving? Better question, where am I? I sat up on the bed I was in and looked around, I was obviously in a bedroom, but who's? I finally decided to get up and walk around I left the room and walked down a hallway, and I figured out that I was in one of the princesses castles most likely the pink ones, and I turned out to be right as I ran into her parents, "oh your finally awake, that's great news I'll go inform Jodan and the girls," the pink girls mother said and no I don't pay attention to names, the only names I care for are Auriana and Praxcina, speaking of Prax, where is she? The pink girls father is just looking at me, and I just awkwardly stare right back at him, well this is awkward I thought to myself, I mean I AM standing right in front of the guy who got imprisoned by the guy I worked for,"you and family seem to be under a spell, that becomes permanent over time, if you want, we can get rid of it." he said after staring at me for so long, but I gotta say that was a bit unexpected I didn't even realise I was under a spell, maybe I could start showing some empathy, if this spell was lifted, through a lot of thought, I decided lifting the spell would be a good thing, I mean they showed me hospitality, that I didn't deserve, best to try and change for the better, and maybe I could get Praxcena to the good side "alright, how long will it take for the spell to be lifted?" I asked "well it will take quite a few days." he answered and he started to cast the spell, "as the days go by, the magical item you had will come back, it will be quite transparent, as day go by though, it will get more and more opaque, understand" he asked, I nodded.

A few moments later

This Jodan and the girls show up afterwards, and I awkwardly wave at them, not knowing what to do, or what to say, but there was no time for me to talk, cause as soon as I made myself known to the eyes of everyone, I got tackle hugged by Auriana, which made me blush slightly, so after we explained, what was going to happen to me for the next few days, I was allowed to go to earth with the girls and they helped me with using crystal magic, the good kind, not the bad kind, and I got to listen in to one of their songs as they practised I think this is starting of a new beginning for me.

To be continued.

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