Chapter Two

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Chapter two

" Hey! " Zayn said as he walked up to me. " Yes? " I answered wondering what he wanted. " Nevermind. " he said and turned and walked away. Man is this boy confusing, I mean all day he just looked at me, his expression blank and eyes full of... Full of what seemed to be pain. " Niall do you and Harry want to come to the movies with me and Eleanor?" I didn't really know. I mean I haven't spent much time with Harry the last few weeks, because he's been blowing me off. " Um, let me ask him. " I turned around and found him talking to some guy " Harry babe, would you like to go the movies with Lou and El? " I said walking up to him. He turned and looked at me " How about we go to your house and have a lazy night? "


Harry picked up Titanic and popped it in the DVD player. Even though we've watched this many times before I wasn't going to complain. I just loved seeing him, his dark brown curls, sparkling green eyes, and a beautiful smile accompanied with dimples.

" So tell me about this Zayn. " Harry said turning to me as he sat down on my bed. " I just met him today, I don't know him. " I said my Irish accent thick.

" Why are you so attracted to him? " I sighed " I can't say I'm not attracted to him because he is quite good looking, but he's nice" Harry scoffed, " I can be nice, and you still won't look at me like that. " he stated simply.

" Because Harry you have to be nice! You have to act like you love me as much as I love you! He just was nice, not forced like he actually cared. I just wish you could do that. " my voice broke at the end. I don't even know Zayn and I'm talking about him like this.

" What are you even saying? " Harry said, the anger clearly showing in his voice. " All I want is you to be nice! I want you to kiss me, hug me, or at least talk to me when we go out in public!" I said the tears streaming down my face. " Babe, I'm sorry. I'm just scared that you won't think that I'm a good cuddlier or a good kisser." Harry lied, all he does is lie. I just played it off as he wiped away my tears and kissed me on the forehead. " Now can we stop fighting? I love you. " Harry said with little emotion in his voice. I really wanted to believe him so I just nodded and laid down on m bed. It was around 7:00 and I was worn out from the fight.

" Are you staying here tonight? " I asked Harry " Yea just let me run home and get some clothes. " He got up and went out of the room. I need to call Louis and talk. ( This is random and everything but further into the story the chapters will get longer and better)

I dialled his number and waited for him to pick up.

L: Hello?

N: I can't stand it anymore! I need to get rid of him.

L: No! You need him! I know he's mean but he's hurt okay?

N: Its been almost a year and a half! I'm tired of that excuse

L: Ni, please? I promise I'll talk to him..,. Just promise you'll hang in there?

N: I really don't want to, I just wish I was- Nevermind I've got to go.

L: Okay bye Ni, I love you.

N: Love you too

I hung up and got in the shower. I only took about ten minutes, then got dressed. Soon after Harry came.

" I'm going to take a shower. " Hazza said before going into my bathroom. I kinda drifted into a light sleep, until I was awoken by the bathroom door opening. I looked up and saw a naked Harry still a little wet. I just stared my erection growing.

" You want to do more than

look?" Harry said moving closer to me.

" Maybe " I said Harry now had me pinned on the bed.


Okay so I have to end this chapter saving the fun for later!!(; But it might be a day before I update. I get out of school tomorrow and have volleyball right after school until 4! Then I have cheer right after that until about 6:30-7:00 and then I might have to go celebrate a party... But I hope not!!(: I'm sorry I've had writers block for a while but I hope you guys are enjoying this!!(: -xx


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