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“Harry! We figured out Azalea’s goal!” The friends were meeting up the Gryffindor common room.
"Yeah...me too…” Ron and Hermione looked at Harry's face, then at one other, smiling, and both though the same thing.
His face is redder than a tomato."

“Azalea!” Azalea turned, surprised to hear someone call her name since everyone was afraid of her.
“Oh. It’s you.” She tried to walk away but Hermione didn't let her.
“Ugh...what do you want…?”
“To help.”
“And how could you do that?”
“I'm Harry's best friend. He tells me everything. Plus I'm Pansy’s friend and Draco tells her everything."
“That could be helpful…” Azalea sighed, “just don't mess up.”
“I won't.”

Harry lay on the couch in the common room. Silence laid beside him, filling the room.
“You should go.” Said a familiar voice behind him.
“Azalea...Why do you want us-?”
“I said,”
“You. Should. Go.” Harry sighed and left to the secret room. Azalea turned around to look at ‘Mione she smiled at her and mouthed “Let's go.” then grabbed her hand and disappeared. Hermione didn't understand yet...but she felt her face go warm.
"No...I have Ron…" She though to herself..

“Malf- Draco…?”
“Pot- Harry!” Draco was filled with joy but he tried to swallow it. Instead his face went pink. “W-W...What are you doing here?”
“I'm…uh...sorry about yesterday…” Harry's face did the same.
“Oh?” Harry smiled
“Heh…” Draco smiled. Harry walked towards Draco and sat beside him. Then they sat together..not saying a word. Then it wasn't long before they all fell asleep...Harry’s head on Draco’s shoulder ...Hermione laying in Azalea’s lap…

Sorry that it's so short...I ran out of ideas for this one! I promise the next one will be very long!

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