chapter 1

10 1 1

Lelani-main character
Kyle-lelani brother
Robert-class nerd and everyone that lelani and him are together
Janyanh-lelani bff
Sofia gracia-spoiled brat
Kevin-lelani crush
Max -lelani child hood friend and boyfriend

When lelani started two get ready for another day of highschool she look at herself then her brother and said ''how am i relayted to him'''lelani has alway thought that there is something wrong with her family and when she got two school she didnt know that her family would change forever.

When she got into her car and drove to school she heared on the news that a baby was kidnapped at birth and that who ever found the girl would win 10,000 dollars Because she belong to rich and famous family.when her music turn on after they announced it she said i just wish i was like them then she pull up she could see people staring at her and talking to there friend about her she was truly use to it because two reasons that she know about 1 is that her brother named kyle was the #1 handsome boy at my school.or that i am with this boy named robert he is the class nerd and i dont truly know why the school would think that i like robert link.but people do say that robert does like me and i am flatter but i don't like him and then it get me mad because then it is really awkard bewteen me and my old crush named kevin he in my bioligt class he was really hot he apart of the track team but one thing that is in the way the most spoiled brat in the histort of spoiled brat her name is sofia gracia. She would alway say that if we do her homework the her dad wouldnt sue there family. I told her once that if she call me a brat again then her family would go backrupt she stop talking ti me after a while but the thing is that sofia and kevin are together and i think that kevin is crazy for saying yes to the plastic doll . when the same day that sofia. Ask out kevin was the same day i was when i heard i went to my childhood friend named max. And then something magically happen to me so now im a couple


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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