A Teacher. A Friend. And one Crazy Man.

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( OK for some reason Wattpad didnt Save this so... here is take 2 on the part what happens after you talk to jaune also this is a filler since idk what to do but its importand... i think meh deal with it have fun )

Dragon: Lets start where we left off shall we . * Ahum*  


Dragon: Oh... NO STE-

*End Transmission*


Jaune: Riiiiiiight.

i was standing on the top of the roof.. jaune just sitting there a bit bummed down...

still. i know what he is going trough thinking People only want to help you since they think your weak... same thing happened to me in Titan's Heaven before you met Reaper.... and jesse and jasper...

You werent gonna let it happen to anyone else.

Me:.... Grab your sword.

Jaune: Why.

Me: just..... just do it.

Jaune: Why should i!

Me: i know what your going trough let me he-



Jaune: I CAME OUT OF A FAMILY OF HUNTERS AND HUNTRESSES. AND HERE I AM WITH THESE PIECES OF SHIT *Throws down his sword and shield* WHILE YOU THE GUY WHO HAS. *Taps your chest and takes a breath* 3 GodDAMN semblances. 

Me: DONT go there jaune. 

Jaune: I bet your parents are proud of y-

i Grabbed him by the Neck. 


Jaune was silent for at least 4 seconds... i started to explain.

Me:..... i...

i let loose of his neck..

Me: my so called 'Parents' Abused me for a long time of my life... time il never get back... ever... -

-i dont know my Biological parents... i feel like im left in the dark. around that time i felt.. weak. sad.. angry!... but i also found the need to improve myself.

Jaune: so you give yourself a mechanical arm.

Me: *shows him arm* This wasent my choice... it was theirs... and i have got to live with it... however thanks to this i have a continues need for energy... tahts why i have this * points to reactor on chest* if this burns out.... i cant use aura...

Jaune: wait.. WHAT!

Me: i never unlocked my aura... dark does that for me.... thanks to them i cant even heal the bloody wounds i have... its stupid..


Me: however... i dont want anyone else to end up like me..

then there was a silence....

i took a deep breath... and looked at the sky.

Me: ( huh full moon)

Me: ( huh full moon)

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Me:... jaune just grab your sword..

Jaune:... Fine..

he grabs his sword and shield... while i ready oblivion and use my arm to make myself an energy shield.

Me: earlyer i couldnt help but hear over your conversation with Pyrha.... a hero doesnt need help huh...

Jaune: its true isnt it.

Me: How bout King arthur then.

Jaune: King arthur?

Me: the king of britaine. a Great king and hero. But he didnt do it alone he was trained by others. HELPED by others. he is one of the greatest hero's.

Jaune: yeah out of a childs story.

Me: and in every story how stupid it might be. is a hint of truth...



Me: point is. hero's Always never fight alone.

I then dashed to him.

Me: Now get READY!

i slashed my sword with a Vertical slash.. he blocked it with his shield. i then used my shield to bash him in the guts wich let him fall back. i pointed my sword at him.

Me: again.

Jaune: Why.

Me: isnt it obviouse il train you. at least in swordfighting. and some other clever tricks.

Jaune: but why... why would you do th.

Me: 1 To show you i aint that bad. and 2... i dont want anyone dying. ever.

he then looked at me... a confused face first .... wich then turned into a friendly smile.

============Timeskip 12 hours later... 6:00 morning ========================

We where at this for so long... we lost track of time.. jaune learned quick... i teached him the basics of swordplay. a tiny bit of martial arts... and gave his equipment a little upgrade.. i made it weigh like nothin but only for him with an aura lock. 

( in this case an aura lock is like a fingerprint scan. if someone who isnt jaune picks it up it becomes so heavy that they cant even lift it a milimeter. and it slowly saps away theyr aura. but only in a timetable of 20 minutes. but if jaune picks it up it becomes super light and easy to handle. )

he also learned some extra basics... footing. his shield can also be a weapon... heck i even teached him the art of quickdraw.... and i got to say he can do it.... but he also messes up sometimes

we worked through the whole night.. however it was almost time for class...

Me: hey jaune..

Jaune: yeah what is it ?

Me: Kick Cardin a new one.

Jaune: will do.

Jaune then sprinted to the class room.....

Me:.... meh hell be fine.









then after 30 minutes you could hear jaune screaming.

Jaune: YES!!

Me: heh... good. well done my protege.

Dragon: this is DragonMasterXL here... Steve the psycho with a mask found an RPG. If you dont hear from me after this... please let my family know i love them.


Dragon: Argh fuck... *Grabs Assault rifle* YOU WANT TO DO THIS STEVE LETS DO IT!

*Distand shooting*

Dragon: Dragon * Shoot* argh shit.... Dragon out.



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