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"Um, what?" "You heard me, lets get back together." I was speechless. I honestly couldn't say anything. "Look, in case you haven't noticed, I am willing to go to the ends of the Earth to be with you. I opened a store in New York, literally across the street from your house.I am opening a store in London England where you moved. In every interview when they ask me about you, it takes every part of me not to start crying. That night when I was drunk and I came to your house, I truthfully wasn't that drunk, I had maybe 3 glasses of wine. I just needed an excuse to see you Emma. I thought I had made a huge mistake but the next day, you showed up to my hotel room an kissed me. I had hope for us but you announced you were having a baby and Instagram an my heart broke. But when Zach told me that you had the baby a few months later, I rushed to be at the hospital. I was gonna tell you then. But our time got cut short. So there is no better time t say something than now. I have to move fast because I don't know if you want this to happen. I have never stopped loving you. The only reason I cheated on you was because if I didn't your Dad would have found out where you were." "What do you mean?" "I mean, the girl I was cheating on you with knew your Dad and she said if I didn't sleep with her, than she would out you to your Dad and tell him where we were." "Yeah sure,"I scoffed about to close the door. Billie pulled out her phone and showed me all the texts about it. She even played me a recording of the girl telling her everything she said to me. "I did it to protect you, to protect us. If your Dad would have found you and taken you away from em, I don't know what I would have done. You meant the world to me and you still do mean so much to me. That's why I am here. I can't stand living another day with out you in my life. I love you Emily, Emma, whatever you want to be called. The only thing I want to call you is mine." We stood in silence and she wiped he eyes with her sleeve. I couldn't believe it. There was only one thing for me to do.

I smashed my lips onto hers, stepping out into the rain as I did it. Our lips moved in sync, neither of us missing a beat. We pulled away and both let out a large exhale. "So, um, I should probably go check on Henry." "Yeah, um, I'll call you later." "Okay." I said backing into the house and sh began to walk to her car. She ran over to me and placed her lips on mine again. I pulled away and said, "Or you could just stay here tonight." "Oh that sounds great." She said as we walked into the house holding hands.

"He is so peaceful." Billie said admiring the sleeping new born baby. "Yeah. He is so much better than what I had to go through with the twins. I didn't sleep for 8 months." "Seriously!" "Yes. If one of them wasn't crying, the other one was. And if one was crying, the other one was sure to follow. Thankfully Daniel was helping me through it. At that age Everett had just started middle school so he was flooded with homework and couldn't really help much." "Well, now you have a lot of people to help you. You have Everett, Zach, me." "Billie, there is no way an international superstar like you is gonna like it here in a small town in Sussex for very long." "On the contrary my dear lady, we now live under the watch of Harry and Megan. They are very cool people." "You know Harry and Megan?" "Yes. I met the Queen when I did the tour after the one we met and Harry, Megan, and Archie were there." "I am still so mad that they named their son Archie." "Well, he is 5 years old and f those girls turn out to be as beautiful as you, you might find yourself with a princess on your hands." 

I laughed and got under the covers. "They would be shockingly disappointed in royalty life. They think it's all telling people what to do and singing to animals." Billie smiled as she got in bed next to me. "You realize that 5 years ago, we were dating." "Tomorrow marks the 5 year anniversary of our concert." "Aw. It's so cute that you still know that." "Do you know what else tomorrow is?" "The twins birthday?" "No, their birthday was 2 weeks before we moved. Daniel and I went all out because it was the last birthday party he would be at." "I still think it is so shitty of him to leave you with 3 kids that are his." "Can we not talk about this." "Yeah. Sorry. So what is tomorrow?" "Tomorrow, the twins and Henry are going to meet their grandfather." "You still talk to your Dad?" "I've never met my Dad." "But, you, what?" "He wasn't my real Dad. My real Dad lives here and I know people who know him and they gave me his address." "That sounds cute and creepy." "They are just trying to help a sister out." "Well, hopefully it goes well." "Yes. Now, can we go to sleep Billie?" "Oh, yeah. Good night beautiful." "Just like old times." I smiled. "I love you." She said. I lightly kissed her, "I love you too."

The next morning, I woke up to find my bed empty. I sat up and tried to see if Billie was in the shower. But I couldn't hear water running. I got out of bed and saw that it was 9:30. "Shit." I said running over to Henry's crib. I looked inside but he wasn't there. I started to panic. I quickly ran out of my room and knocked on Everett and the twin's doors to wake them up. I hurried down the stairs and I stopped dead in my tracks. I saw Billie sitting in the living room bouncing Henry around while Everett, Lexi, and Lizzie were sitting and eating cereal and watching Disney Channel. "Good morning love." Billie said walking over to me and kissing m on the cheek. "What's all this about?" "Well, I'm still running on New York time so I was up at like 5:30 so I took a shower and then Henry got fussy so I picked him up and brought him downstairs. He ate and I changed his diaper. Then your 7:30 alarm went off and I turned it off and woke up the twins and Everett. They all took showers and now they are eating." "Thank you so much." "Okay guys. You guys need to go get dressed. Your clothes are hanging up in the bathroom so come with Mommy." "Do I have to come?"Everett asked with a mouthful of cereal. "If you don't want to you don't have to." I said as Billie handed me Everett. "I think I'll stay here. Billie and I need to have a little chat." 

I took the twins upstairs and handed them their outfits. They ran to their room to put the dresses on and I began to get ready. I didn't have time for a shower so I just used some dry shampoo. I put on a cute light blue dress and put on some sort heels. Then I put Henry into a light blue onsie and I walked downstairs. "GIRLS! WE ARE GONNA BE LATE!" "Well, good morning to you too." Zach said taking a long sip from his mug. "Oh. Hey Zach. We are going to my Dad's house so it's just you, Ev, and Billie today." "Wait, Billie?" Billie walked out of the door that led to the bathroom. "Oh, hey Zach." Zach gave me a look and I mouthed, "Later." The girls came running down the stairs in their cute dresses. "Wow, you really din't stray from the blue theme." "I like blue." I said in defense of my own personal taste. "Okay," Is aid turning to my kids. "Are we ready to go?" "Yes!" Lizzie said. I put Henry in his stroller and I told everyone bye. We walked out of the door in a slight hurry seeing as we were supposed to be at my Dad's hour in 5 minutes. Luckily we only lived 3 minutes away so we made it with time to spare. Our family friends said that they know some one who just moved to England and they want him to meet them (them being me, Lexi, Lizzie, and Henry). He said sure and to have us be at his house at 11 o'clock sharp.

When we arrived at his house, it was 10:59. He lived in the heart of the town in a nice almost town house like house. I took a deep breath and turned to my girls. "I need you two to be on your absolute best behavior. Miss Janice and Mr. Patrick set this up for us and I really need you girls to be the best behaved the you ever have been." "Yes Mommy." They said. "I have an idea. Let's pretend that you are princesses and this man is a very important royal from another country that you have been invited to see." "Okay!" They said and got very excited. I looked at the watch on my right wrist and it changed to 11. I took one last deep breath and I knocked on the door. I heard sounds coming from inside the house. The door opened and in front of me stood a very flamboyant man. He seemed to be in his early to mid 50s. He was wearing a light blue and white Polo shirt matched with some khaki pants and some navy dress shoes. I looked up at him and he gasped. "Emma?" "Dad?"

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