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T H I R D  P E R S O N

"Excuse me, miss. You're not supposed to be here." A teacher told a blonde as she walked into the classroom.

"God, I hope not. It's so boring in here." Devyn said looking around. "I'm looking for Daniel Seavey."

"Me?" Daniel looked up from his work. "Why?"

"We need to work on that assignment." Devyn explained.

"I'm in class." Daniel complained.

"This is a free period." Devyn raised an eyebrow and Daniel sighed, following her out the room.

"When you said 'we need to work on that assignment' you meant me, didn't you?" Daniel asked the girl spinning on of the desk chair in the library.

"You know me so well." She smiled.

"Whatever." Daniel grumbled.

"What's the assignment even about?" Devyn asked the blue eyed boy.

"We have to prepare for a debate on wether abortion should be legal. We're the Affirmitive." Daniel explained.

"So, that means I have to talk!" Devyn whined.

"Yes. That's the whole point of a debate." Daniel muttered.

"You got a girlfriend?" Devyn asked, stopping herself from continuing to spin.

Daniel looked up from the textbook and frowned. "Yeah, why?"

"Just asking." Devyn shrugged. "Who's the unfortunate soul that's stuck with you?"

"Blair Bass." Daniel smiled.

"Oh, now you're the unfortunate soul." Devyn laughed. "You're with Metal Mouth Blair! Dang, I feel sorry for you."

"Metal Mouth Blair?" Daniel furrowed his brows, making Devyn laugh even harder.

Four boys suddenly burst through the library doors and Daniel looked at them for help as Devyn continued to laugh maniacally.

"What are you doing with Devyn Walsh?" Jonah asked.

"And why is she laughing?" Corbyn questioned.

"You guys know her?" Daniel looked between the boys and they all nodded.

"She's mean to me. I've been pushed out of my chair by her twice." Zach complained.

"Oh, hey Herron." Devyn smirked as she stopped laughing. "Sit in anybody else's seats lately?"

"No ma'am." Zach shook his head.

"Who are these guys?" Devyn asked Daniel, looking at the other three boys.

"I'm Jonah." The tallest one waved.

"I'm Corbyn." The blonde one smiled.

"And I'm Jack." They curly headed one said.

"Nice to know." Devyn nodded. "I should be going."

She got up to leave and Daniel handed her some flashcards. "Do your best to remember these, yeah?"

"I promise you no promises." She winked. "Tell Metal Mouth I said hi though."

"I promise you no promises." Daniel mimicked.

"Bye boys." Devyn said as she made her way out of the library.

"Metal Mouth?" Jack questioned.


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