The Place We Never Wanted To Call Home

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Chapter I

A weird, black-red tarry liquid was slowly flowing down in between the stones in wall of this small cell. Smell of blood was mixing with rotting flesh. Smell so thick because of high temperature so you could felt it on your tongue. Screams of prisoners being tortured just floor above were echoing the hallway, passing demon hound guards. On rough wooden board was sleeping girl, naked because she used her rags as pillow. Guy on the other side was trying to scratch out with his nails line on stone, just next to other twelve. The fingers were all covered in wounds, few of them were deprived of nails. Lengthy, black hair was shinning from dirt. His skin was sticky, covered in blood, mud and excrement. The same as the rags he was in. Boy finally finished scratching line and turned his brown eyes with dark circles on cell ahead of their own.
- I've beat record of Mark! - He yelled with happiness in voice and smiled, showing row of brown from mud teeth but Fangs were missing.
- Doesn't that mean you will die soon? What are you smiling at? - Answered voice or figure in corner of opposite cell. Person was burring something in mud, probably his excrements. Closer to bars of cell was sitting girl with light orange hair eating some meat goo she was picking up from between the mud. The uncomfortable silence occurred and smile vanished in instant from face of boy. 
- Don't say that! - suddenly so far sleeping girl woke up and screamed. Her body was covered in many, different scratches, slices, bruises, burns, frostbites. She got long dark blue hairs, and big, light eyes.
- Amy... - quietly said guy with black hair.
- Izumi will not die! - Girl was yelling so much so rest of prisoners forgot about screams from torture room for a second.
- I'm just saying the tru... - NO! - She cut his word in half.
- Amy! that's fine... - Izumi tried to calm her down.
- "When they are about to string you up, ask for cup of water, you never know what will happen before they bring it" It is truth death awaits all of us. But maybe, just maybe, if there is at least one chance in a millions that we will be saved, then I want to stick to life. We all should stick to life - Suddenly said voice in another cell.
- Alex's right! - said another voice from same cell, this time girl's.
- We need to stay alive so one they the hero that will come to save us, you know... like actually have someone to save! - she added.
- Thank you Egao and you, Alex. - Amy smiled a little. 
- And you, Eygon shouldn't be so realistic, dreams are what keep us all in mind. - Egao continued. 
- Are you okay Irina? - Girl with orange hair raised her head and smiled radially, shutting her beautiful green eyes. Demons cut her tongue so she can't talk now.
- Amy, can you help me stand up? - Asked quietly Izumi from behind.
- Hmm? Yeah sure. - As She helped stand up the boy he screamed horribly, Tears appeared in Amy's eyes as she watched how Izumi is trying to stand on his leg twisted in knee to left. Irina closed eyes, Alex and Egao tried to yell even louder that he can do it. Finally he did it.
- What's the case? -  Eygon asked.
- They're calling... - Afer those words Eyes of Amy opened even wider and began to glare with pale white light and her pupil disappeared. same happened with Eygon. Suddenly bars of cell rose and few demon hounds came closer to their cell. Izumi made step screaming painfully. Demon licked their lips as if they already wanted to hear more screams of boy. other prisoners just watched whole process reducing their movement to minimum. Izumi looked at cell next to theirs, Girl with brown hair was in arms of well built guy with red hair and blue pink eyes. Her eyes were half closed however pale white light was coming from under her eyelids. Girl avoided his view as much as she could, just as if she was disgusted with it however Izumi knew she just didn't want to look how he's taken. tears were dancing in her eyes, slowly flowing down her cheeks.
- Hey don't cry, it's waste of your energy. -  He forcefully smiled and Egao smiled back.
- Come back alive. - She added
- You can do it, good luck - Alex tried to be positive. Izumi tried to look at Amy last time, just for a second he noticed girl looking with hatred at demons, at him with her glaring with pale light. He was scared of her when she was in that state. Demons pulled him away to stairs on the end of hallway. Few minutes flew before anyone of them even moved, after that they just tried to ignore familiar screams and get some sleep, some rest.

Some time later unnoticed entity appeared. A human, no one heard, or noticed how she just came before their cells. Girl was wearing black jacket, and red shirt under, on her legs were militia pants, but not that was drawing their attention, not even two handed sword he has in hands. What was drawing their attention was her eyes, glaring with blue light. 
- We're here to get you out of this place! - She was trying to keep her voice down, so demons won't hear. Girl has opened their cells. - Quickly! We got to get out of here! - Eygon instantly pulled hand of Irina and stepped out of his cell, less readily did Alex and Eygon.
- Amy! quickly! - Said Eygon. She listened as well.
- We need to get Izumi! He's in torture room! - She stated.
- We got no time! There are too many demons! -  Answered Girl with sword.
- But Izumi...
- Listen girl, we can get out of here right now, or we can all die here! - Voice of new girl was strict and left no place for arguing
- We will come back for him! -  Egao tried to help somehow. Amy nodded doubtfully
-  Let's go!
They left the long corridor where some man joined them.
- Yuusha! - said the man who was guarding entrance to hallway. He was dressed in solider's suit. And his eyes were glaring in yellow. His hair were short and dark gray.
- I got three! - Girl answered.
- Good, let's go! - View of the staircase gave them thrills. Everything was covered in weird tarry liquid. And Never ending screams of their friend were even louder there. Amy wanted to run upstairs to get Izumi, however Eygon caught her hand and waved his head, she calm down. They headed downstairs to greater hall where patrolling demons noticed them.
One hound charged on man with yellow eyes, he caught him, threw on ground and kicked until head of demon bursted spilling blue blood everywhere around.
- Gray! Do you have to be so brutal? Kids are watching! - Gray laughed loudly and kindly.
- Just look at this room! And anyway those "kids" have been through things you've never seen even in worst nightmares. - As they talked they were slicing another demons approaching. Yuusha sliced them in half.
- Woah, I heard demons' skin is too hard so even bullets can't pierce it. - Alex noticed.
- We are the only weapon against them. - answered smiling girl. Suddenly  to hall came feminine looking demon with tentacles instead of legs. she moved her hands and body in pose of singing, yet no sound came out from her opened mouth. However Yuusha and Gray covered their ears as fast as they noticed her. However they forgot to warn prisoners. Amy, Eygon and Egao began to writhe in pain.
- Don't listen to her! Cover your ears!  they tried, but it was too late. Their eyes glared with pale light and they suffered. Irina hugged Eygon and started to moan incomprehensibly. Looking at it Alex done the same to Egao. However Amy already was fine, when she looked around she noticed feminine looking demon sliced to three pieces. They looked at her, with surprise probably because they didn't expect her to go back to normal in such short time. 
- The exit is just ahead! Quickly! - Eygon came back to his mind, looked around and petted head of Irina -  Thanks. - He wiped tears from her eyes. However Egao looked only worse with every second. Finally her eyes opened even wider and and blinding light was coming out of them.
-  She became unstable! Run! -  Eygon reacted instantly, he pushed Irina in way of Yuusha and pulled Alex away from Girl.
- When will she come back?! -  Alex asked with fists ready to punch Yuusha. She just looked away with sad look on her face.
- What will happen with her? What's going on?! - Pushed Eygon 
- When Soulkindled one become unstable they begin to lose their mind, attacking everything around and finally they... - She cut her word.
- And finally they?! -  Alex was still pushing
- They explode - Finished Gray. -  After hearing it Alex wanted to run to her, but Gray caught his hand
- There is no way to help her! -  He tried to hold him but Alex got away
- I will help her! - He screamed -  Or die along - quietly he added and ran to Girl screaming and waving with hands around.
- Alex wait! GAH WHY NOTHING CAN GO RIGHT?! - Amy finally said something. - Egao... why her?!
- Egao do you hear me? it's me, Alex! come on, you can beat it! fight it! you can come back, you hear me?! -  Alex bound her with the most tight hug he could give her. - You can do it... -  At this moment a white flash blinded everyone, next thing they saw was stain of blood in place they stood. They finally were free, but they didn't like the cost of this freedom.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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