episode 11(evidence)

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So we start to make a plan.
Back to y/n pov
7 pm
Well I am really hungry now and Jungkook left me alone in that basement so I decided to think of a way to escape I then see a small window and I think if I got untied I can escape through that small window suddenly a door open reveal a drunk jungkook his face is all red and well in his hand has a wine bottle.
Jk:"hi baby girl miss me?" Then my phone suddenly ring  he took it out from my pocket"wow oppa Jin hah?"he then answer it"hi jin remember me?"
Jin:"yah jk what are you doing to my sister let go of her we are enemy so if you want to kill me than do it to me not her"
Jk:"why can't I? she is my pet I want to play with her anytime I want right!! my best friend"then he look at me and he do a video call so Jin can see how messy I am & the blood that has on my body
he then has tears fall down
Jin:"please let go of her"
Y/n:"oppa I am fine"I smile weakly to him instead of let me go jk turn the video call into simple call and he put it on the floor
Jk:"heh wait let Listen to her pain first ok then you can hung up"jk break the bottle wine after that he take one of the sharp pieces of glass and come to me
Y/n:"jk please it enough"then he start cut my right Thigh it hurt so bad"ahhhh please"then he stop after the blood are all over my leg  and he slap me hard.he hung up the phone
Jk:"hurt alot right bae I want to see more of your blood and your tears"
He kiss my cheek no not again
Y/n:"jk why "he now try to ripped all my clothes off I cry because my hand are tied so I can do nothing beside talk and I am really weak right now "please"jk doesn't stop what he doing at all moreover he «do» that thing to me without wearing the condom I cried hard.
i hate myself at this time right now I don't even have enough energy to stop him and then I feel unconscious.

Next day
6 pm
I wake up to see that my body is not naked I am wearing someone White t-shirt and jeans I know that smell
Y/n:"jk clothes"I have to find the way out now before he do more than just this to me I try to move my leg ahhhh my thigh it still hurt at least jk hdidn't cut that deep or I am sure that I can't walk forever.
Jimin pov
I am now at jungkook house well yes I am doing what rose tell me to do because I want to help y/n I am at his living room while rose is in my house because I tell her not to come or jk will be suspect then jk come to the living room
Jk:"jimin what are you doing here?"
Jimin:"well I want to check if everything is fine with you and what do you want me to do with rose?"I ask pretending
Jk:"tied her till I want you to kill her because I think she must be help the killer too"what a blind men I sometimes really hate jk
Jimin:"ohh ok then"I then asked jk
Jimin:"are you going somewhere?"
Jk:"yes I go to grocery shop to buy some stuff want to come?"
Jimin:"no I rather stay here and do some research on that Kim company to find their weak part ohh I forget can you buy me some chip on your way back"
Jk:"ok bye then"and he walk out
Jimin:"perfect time"then I sneak into one room that is near jk room
In that room I try to find some evidence and I see an old version of Kim company logo on the self that is hide in one of the book"why did ???(I want to suprise you guy) have it?"it was the same logo that killer have.
Then I heard the footstep to the room I am in so I hide myself under the bed well I am short so ??? Can't see it then the door open and I put my recording on
Sana:"wow so tired day"
No one pov
She then sit on the bed
Sana:"I feel so pity for y/n that what she get to try to steal my man"then she laugh alone that girl is really a bitch"hmm who would have thought that jk is really stupid that he doesn't know the one who kill his dad is me"rose are true about this then"however it's for our love if I don't kill him I would never get to be near jk because as I was very poor before"so that was it I now feel the anger in my eyes and I wait under the bed until she is going to the bathroom so I get out and I walk quietly and left this house without notice well then I stop the recording and I called jungkook once I am on the main road it not that far from his house
On phone
Jk:"hello jiminie"
Jimin:"I have an urgent call said that rose is try to escape"
Jk:"ok then go to your house fast before everything is too late"then I hung up and I ride on a taxi since I don't want Sana to know that my car was in her house and make her suspect
Rose pov
I am walking around the house waiting for jimin until he get back I run to him
Jimin:"you are right bae"then we walk to jimin room so it is more private
Rose:"so what information that you had recorded?" I look at jimin in happy  expression on my face
Jimin:"you know what Sana is the one who kill Mr.kim and I even have the old version logo of Kim company"then he let me listen to the recording and hand me the logo
Rose:"what a bitch I am sure once jk listen to this his blood will be boil in the inside"I smirk this time jimin then hold my cheeks tight "yah it hurt and tomorrow we will go to show it to him together what do you think?"
Jimin:"no not you only me"I look in confused but still I agree
Rose:"ok then" you can't stop me jimin.
End of Episode 11
Date 28.06.19
Author:"y/n you nearly free fighting"bye"

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