Chapter 5

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As Chubby and Tony walled on their way, Chubby all of a sudden was very confused.
"Hey Tony, where are we going exactly?"
Tony replied, "Oh, I thought you would've guessed. I'm taking you yo get back to your world."
When Tony said that, Chubby blurted out, "No! I don't want to go back there. I thought we just had this whole conversation about being friends and I also thought that we'd stick together no matter what because of it and, and... I'm just rambling aren't I," Chubby ended with a sigh.
Tony thought about that, which made him regret a bit about how close he had gotten to Chubby already. He was just so desperate for a friend... But he knew this place was not Chubby's home. He has to tell Chubby the truth.
"I hate to break it to you dude, but you really can't live here." Tony said this in one of the saddest, most depressed voices Chubby had ever heard. He thought it was hard back on earth not having any close friends, but at least there were so many other people on earth. Here, Tony pretty much just had himself. But Chubby would not budge.
"Tony, I just met you. I'm not leaving you to go back to some weird planet where nobody likes me. We just met, and get along so we'll together! I'd hate to have to give up that friendship right away."
Tony thought Chubby was making a pretty good point, but he was the one who basically started their friendship. If he had never been there at that moment to save Chubby, well, then he wouldve gotten killed by the fatso's. Tony sighed, "Chubby, I agree with everything you've said so far. Well, most of it. But this place isn't for you! You see-" Tony was cut off by Chubby's chubby voice starting up.
"Dude, how do I not fit in here!? This whole world is liTERALLY MADE OF CHUBBINESS. IF THERE'S ANYONE WHO DOESN'T FIT IN HERE, IT'S YOU." As Chubby finished that sentance, he immediately regretted it. The words just slipped right out of his mouth. Chubby went to apologize to Tony, but already saw his lips quivering and eyes brimming with tears.
"T-tony, I r-really didn't mean it, I-i just was to in the moment to reali-" This time Chubby was cut off by Tony.
"I just tried to save you Chubby," Tony said in the darkest, most soul-less voice Chubby had ever heard. Just 10 minutes ago, Chubby and Tony were happily conversing without a care in the world. 5 minutes later, Tony was about to start bawling his eyes out. And now this. Chubby had never seen anything so frightening in his life. As he stared into Tony's eyes, it seemed as if so the life had been drained out if Tony. Chubby continued to stare into Tony's lifeless orbs. He felt like he was getting sucked into them. He knew that feeling, but it was too late. He was getting sucked into the portals in Tony's eyes.

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