🧵 Twelve: Ain't it Fun Living in the Green World

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I keep asking my dad for a picture of my mom, but he puts it off every time. Why won't he give me a picture? It's not like I don't know what she looks like. I need to stand in front of a mirror and voila! There she is. Sometimes I catch my dad giving me these sad, painful looks. He says he's grateful he has a piece of her in me but is he? How can he stand to look at the replica of the woman who shattered his heart to pieces? -Georgie aka Alexx

PS. Don't tell anyone but I found Owen making out with Cleo by the lockers in the annex. And get this—Hugo told me he still has the girlfriend back in Colorado! Can you believe it? I know, I know, I crushed on him too, but I wouldn't have done anything about it. Not when he still had a girlfriend. That's Girl Code 101. Thank God, we've never liked the same guy. Can you imagine??

Monday morning, Alex's eyes popped open an hour before her alarm was supposed to go off

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Monday morning, Alex's eyes popped open an hour before her alarm was supposed to go off. She threw the covers off and sat up feeling refreshed and raring to go. Not her usual response. Waking up early? It was like a vampire seeing the sun, but today was different because Hugo was picking her up.


Adrenaline rushed through her. He was like her personal jolt of caffeine, and she didn't mind. Not one bit.

They'd texted back and forth over the weekend. Seth's fever had gone down, and he was feeling better, but Hugo insisted on staying home in case he got worse. It was sweet, but Alex wondered why Mr. Lorde wasn't looking after Seth. It's not like his office was open on the weekends.

Since she had an extra hour, Alex took her time getting ready. She even washed her hair and curled it, then pulled half of it up into a bun. Now, the hard part. What to wear. She stood in front of her closet, tapping her foot, then pulled out a bunch of options.

Alex decided on a black denim skirt, which originally had been oversized mom jeans, and a red graphic tee paired with her favorite black boots that had a stacked heel. She could use all the inches she could get standing next to Mr. Not-Vertically-Challenged-Hugo Lorde.

"You're up early," her mom commented. She set her phone down and sipped her coffee. "Excited for Hugo?"

"Please don't make a big deal out of this," Alex pleaded. She got up on her tip-toes and grabbed the cereal box on the top shelf. She poured herself a bowl, refilled her mom's coffee mug, and then sat down.

"It's my right as your mom. This is your first boyfriend. It's exciting."

"We're not boyfriend and girlfriend."

Her mom's brows pulled together as she frowned. "Please don't tell me you're doing the...what's it called? Netflix and fill?"

Alex choked on her cereal. "Mom! It's Netflix and chill. CHILL. Not fill." Although the way some people did it, it fit. "And no, we're not doing...that. We're...we're..." What were they doing? "Dating, I guess."

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