Letting Go Of My Other Half.

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T/W: major character death.

~Robs pov~

I kept glancing at Matt the whole set, he hadn't felt good the past week. Today he felt worse but insisted on playing. Once we played our last song I quickly did our goodbyes. Matt was the first to full on run off stage.
The fans called for an encore and trust me we would've in a heartbeat but Matt couldn't handle it.
I followed far behind Matt as he was running. He turned into the bathroom and I went in after him. He was throwing up pretty much everything. I grabbed his long brown hair out of his face.
"Do you have a hair tie love?" I asked he moved his one hand away from where he was gripping his stomach. I took the hair tie off his wrist and tied his hair back. I rubbed his back "let it all out."
Tom and Si ran in there and we all crowded in the one stall.

"Should I go get water?" Si asked glancing down at Matt as he threw up and started heaving.

"Yes," I sighed and went back to comforting Matt.

"This sucks a lot Matt, I wish we could just do the same thing for you that Si and I do when we're sick." Tom sighed, if either of them were sick or didn't feel good they would just lay behind the curtain and play the show.
Matt had stopped throwing up, now he was just trying to catch his breath.

"Breath in and out babes," I whispered in his ear, Matt nodded and slowly sat up.

"Let's get you off the gross bathroom floor," I put one of my arms under Matt's legs and the other around his back and picked him up. He clung to me as I carried him back to the green room. I laid him on the couch in there, Matt groaned. "Did I hurt you?"

"No, just my lungs hurt a lot," Matt sighed, he clenched his eyes shut.

I kneeled down by him on the couch, "I'm so worried about you." I sighed, I laid the back of my hand on his forehead, he was burning up.

"Matt I think we should cancel a few dates so you can rest up and get rid of whatever you have." I sighed and started to pull Matt's puked covered shirt off of him. I threw it aside and grabbed a new one.

"But I don't wanna disappoint the fans," Matt sighed.

"Trust me they care more about your health," I kissed his forehead.

"I got the water," Si walked in and handed the bottle to Matt. He sat up and slowly drank it, then slid the clean shirt on.

"We should get him to the bus," Tom said walking in as well.

"I've got him, just take care of yourselves." I sighed and grabbed Matt's bag. I picked up Matt and we headed out to the bus.

"Mhhhh," Matt whined.


"My lungs burn," he mumbled.

"It's probably just from the cough," I walked on the bus and laid him on his bunk and kissed his forehead. "Please go to sleep, I love you."

"I love you too," I kissed Matt's cheek again.

-two weeks later-

I quietly came back into Matt and I's room. I tiptoed over to the closet and opened it the door squeaked and Matt made a whining sound mad rolled over.
"Rob?" Matt said in a hoarse voice.

"Yeah, babe?" I sat next to Matt.

"Mh' chest hurts," he whispered.

"Are you wanting to go to the ER?" I asked pressing my hand to his forehead.

"Maybe," he mumbled and rolled over again.

"Okay, do you wanna shower first?" I asked rubbing his back.

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