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Matthew Donnelly, the only person who can look hot and eat all at the same time. 😂. FtM Matt in this fic. T/W: Homo/transphobia. Fun fact I wrote most of this on a plane lol.


I pulled up in front of Matt's house and texted him I was here. About five seconds later he rushed out to the car and threw his backpack in. He shut the door and sighed loudly.
"What is it this morning?" I looked over at him.

"My mom agreed to let me cut my hair short when I made my hair appointment but now she's freaking out about it." He ranted.

"Take a drink of my coffee and don't let her ruin your morning." I sighed putting the car in drive and heading to Toms house.

"I would but you put milk in it and I'm vegan," Matt sighed and leaned back into the seat.

"I'm sure Si will bring you your black coffee," we turned into Toms driveway. Toms mom finally agreed to let me drive him to school. His parents were helicopter parents level pro.

"I saw you got your chest binder Matt," Tom smiled getting in.

"Yeah! It came in the mail last night," Matt finally smiled.

"That's all I had to do to get you to smile?" I chuckled squeezing Matt's hand. The story of Matt we all met in kindergarten, we let Matt hang out with us even though he was a girl.
I came out as Bisexual in seventh grade and Melanie and I started dating. Before she told us in eighth grade he's trans and goes by Matt.
I pulled up to Si's and we waited for him, we learned to all leave five minutes early because Si was always late because of how much of a coffee snob he is.
Then like on cue all of us started "three, two, one." Si opened his front door juggling two coffee cups, his bag, and more books. He got to the car and handed Matt his coffee.

"Sorry guys," he smiled and got in the back next to Tom.

"To school?" I asked.

"Fine," Matt rolled his eyes and sipped the black coffee.

I parked, we all climbed out and Matt rushed to my side and took my hand. We walked across the parking lot then into the terrible hell called the school.

Matt came into our English class right before the bell rang and took his seat next to me. We had a sub which I could tell sparked anxiety into Matt. "Okay let's start with attendance," the middle-aged man started calling names, "Robert Damiani?"

"Here," I called, Matt squeezed my hand preparing himself for the next things to happen.

"Melanie Donnelly?" He called.

"It's Matt actually," Matt corrected him, he was tensed up.

"It says your name is Melanie stop trying to play funny and distract the class," he rolled his eyes and glared at Matt and me.

"So-Sorry," Matt stuttered and looked down the whole class stifling laughs.

"Sh, it's okay," I whispered to him.

The class started to drag on as I could tell Matt needed to leave the room. "It's okay you can ask," I whispered to Matt.

He slowly raised his hand and the sub called on him. "Can I use the bathroom?" Matt asked quickly and quietly.

"Quickly," he answered still glaring at us. Matt got up and rushed out the door and I waited till he turned back to the board before rushing out after him.

Matt took my hand as I caught up with him, "where are we going?" I asked as we passed the bathrooms closest to our class.
He led me into the unisex bathroom and shut the door and locked it. He slid down the wall putting his head in his hands.
"No, no babes," I sat next to him and wrapped my arms around him. He slowly sank himself into my lap.
I ran my hands through his shoulder-length brown hair. He could take all the time he needed. My parents would understand if I got another detention.

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