Dominance Pt. 2

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Onikas POV
In the office

" Hey mommy" I say as I open the door and am slightly out of breath

" hi Onika, and hey Beyoncé, I made y'all a chocolate cake" my mother says as she walks into my office and sets the cake down on the table

" thanks carol , I'm actually pretty hungry right now" Beyoncé says to my mother as she gets up and hugs her then cuts a piece of cake

" how come every time I see you you're hungry, Onika are you not feeding my baby" my mom asks me and I begin to respond but Beyoncé answers first

" Oh no she's feeding my but it's not enough sometimes" Beyoncé says as she looks at me and winks then goes back to putting a piece of cake out for me and her

" well maybe I need to start dropping by more often because Beyoncé clearly needs to eat more from what I'm hearing" my mom says and Beyoncé lets out a silent laugh

" Mom she eats enough she is fine" I say as I'm trying to go to the next topic

" so Beyoncé, when are you and my daughter going to work on having a baby" I've never wanted my mother out of this office more than I do right now. I put a piece of cake in my mouth and let her answer the question

" Well we work on it quite a lot actually" Beyoncé says and I swear I felt my eyes pop out of my head

" oh so when is the last time y'all had unprotected sex" my mom asks and I put my face I my hands as I desperately want this conversation to end

" just n-" Beyoncé starts to say but I cut her off

" OKAY I think that's enough of this conversation, thank you for the cake mommy but we have to leave now and so do you" I say as I stand up and throw my plate I the trash and put the cake my bag to take home

" oh Onika don't be embarrassed to talk to my about your sex life , Beyoncé is clearly fine with it , and don't act like you don't know how you were made. I may be older but I still get my freak on from time to time with your father" my mother says and I almost choke as Beyoncé is cracking up.

" ALRIGHTTTY, I've heard way too much and it's really time for you to go , thanks for the cake ok love you by mommy" I say as I rush her out of the door and close it

" Beyoncé make sure you put my future grandchildren inside of her !" I hear my mother yell through the door and I face palm

" I'm already working on it momma C" Beyoncé yells back and I hear my mother laugh them walk down to the elevator and get on it. Then I look out of the window and see her drive off

" that was so fucking weird... remind me to never let her come back here" I say as I go grab my purse and hand Beyoncé the cake, she opens the door for me with her free hand and then smacks my ass when I walk out of the door

" Thanks to your mom I don't have to pull out anymore" bey says as we walk to the elevator

" it's not like you were pulling out anyways" I say and she laughs

" sometimes you make me pull out" she says as she presses the down button

" I don't even remember the last time I made you pull out , I'm probably already pregnant" I say as we step on the elevator and go down

3 weeks later
Rihs house

" Me and Nicki not really talking right now" I say to rih as she passes me the blunt

" why not"

" because I've been working a lot more and she says she never gets to spend time with me anymore" Robyn reaches for the blunt and smokes it

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