Flights and decisions

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5 in the evening, Sunday is already soon us.
I'm not ready to end our vacation.
Mark called the cars.
The guys has the resort people come pack and place our remaining belongs into the waiting cars.
Less then 30 minutes we pulled up to a private air space.

When he said Jet, I wasn't thinking of something this size wooow

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When he said Jet,
I wasn't thinking of something this size wooow.

Well it was enough space for all of us to be comfortable and a flipping bed in the back.

I wonder who want to get that bed the way Mark an James was looking at my best friend's Patty and Chris.
It's going to be first come first served.

I didn't think that I would get a chance to take a nap nor would Jayson.

Well were settled by the flight attendant. They asked that we need anything before the pilot walks in and greeted everyone before taking his seat up front locking Flight doors.

Then he began to give us our flight information and let us know that we will be arriving back in New York in less than 4 hours.

After we all silenced our phones the  please buckled up and we took off.

Soon the remove seat belt sign went off we begin to talk an had a few snacks and played a few hand games.

We just had a really nice time together we would reclined our chairs and relax for the remaining time in the air.

So soon the Pilot was back on intercom telling us the you'll be arriving at Jfx in the next 2 minutes so please return to your seat and buckle up for your safety.

Everyone says their okays and sits up their chairs and fasten the seatbelts.
So what time is your interview on Tuesday.
...nosy much!
as I  just realized that both Mark and James were speaking to me.

Then I cut my eyes at them both but replied saying 8:15 I believe so.

Hmm, was the reply I got from both of them.
Then they were quite and smiling at one another.

Puzzled by this, I asked them again if they knew anyone at the company and Jason beat them both by saying they are a great company to work for.
I'll do very well if I  got the job.

Now I'm curious. I know I said very little about me and my interview but they are hiding behind those smiles of theirs.

Ok out with it do you guys know them or something.
Nope and NO came from Aaron and Jason but Mark laughed like an hyena.

I'm sorry for that out burst ... Mark said when Jason kicked him.
Now to make sure I  didn't miss this moment.
I looked at both  Patty and Chris but they weren't paying any attention.

Changing direction I asked him why he stopped laughing he changed the subject asking about where we lived.
Seriously though I have to pretty blind not to see this cover-up.

Thanks again for the captain Steve.
You are welcome gentleman, ladies good night.
With that done I stood up stretching from our trip home and gathering my carryon.

Leaving the plane we all saw more car and once we are saying good byes to them but is it really good for the two freshly built couples in front of me.
So who are we dropping off first.

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