Regina's Promise

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Emma sighed as she walked around frustrated as they had hardly made any progress in finding Henry. She walked off to be alone, but naturally Regina followed her as the woman seemed to live to just piss her off even more.

"Could you just leave me alone...?" Emma groaned and went to sit down on a fallen tree, glaring at the brunette who slowly moved to sit next to her, way closer than necessary.

"Emma, listen..." The brunette started and looked at the blonde. "I know myself pretty well." She leaned closer to Emma who slowly leaned back as the intimidating woman invaded her personal bubble.
"At some point in the next few days, I'm going to want to sleep with you." The Queen purred and licked her lips. Her eyes darkened and a smug smirk played on her lips. "I will come at you, with everything I got. I will stalk you like a lioness stalks a gazelle; careful, patient and deadly." Emma swallowed  hard and bit her lip as her brain went at full speed but could still hardly comprehend what was happening

Regina then moved to lean in and whispered into her ear.
"If you let your guard down for so much as a second, as sure as you were born..." She then moved to whisper over the woman's lips, them almost touching. Emma could feel the woman's breath as she said the next bit. "I will fuck your brains out."

The blonde let out a soft moan and a shiver went down her spine as the woman's words sunk in.
"Fuck..." Emma whimpered and Regina smirked.
"Exactly. Fuck." She repeated.

Emma's eyes glossed over, her hands fidgeting around trying to grab hold of anything to ground her as she felt like she was falling. Her hands curled themselves around the woman's coat lapels and held on tight as she closed the distance between them and crashed their lips together. The woman's words had driven her crazy, and honestly she could hardly wait.
"Or we could just skip all those steps." The blonde said out of breath when she pulled back, her body burning up as it responded to the sexy brunette. Regina grinned and licked her lips.

"Very well." She said and moved to sit in Emma's lap, straddling her. The blonde grabbed her by the hips and pulled her flush against her body. Regina immediately slid her hands into the blonde hair, pulling it. Emma started pulling on the woman's jacket and shoved it down her shoulders. The brunette let go only for a moment to get rid of her coat and immediately started pulling on her tank top, ripping it a little in her haste to get it off the blonde. Emma stopped her from completely removing it and looked Regina deeply in her eyes.
"Not here." She looked over the woman's shoulder towards the camp they had set up nearby.
"Come with me then."

Regina got up and pulled the blonde along gently, their fingers laced as the brunette guided her through the jungle and stopped at a small body of water. It was surrounded by rocks and a tiny waterfall seemed to be responsible for the pond. It was really beautiful as the light of the moon reflected off the water. The brunette faced Emma again and slowly moved to take the woman's top off. The blonde cooperated this time and helped the other woman out of her blouse while Regina worked on Emma's skinny jeans, their lips locked in a passionate kiss as they helped each other out of their clothes. Once they were stripped down to their underwear, Emma couldn't help but look down and admire all of Regina. She slowly slid her finger over the edge of the lace of the woman's bra, tracing it over the curve of her breast to between them and then over the other breast.

"Take it off." Regina encouraged the woman and Emma slid her arm around the brunette's waist, pulling her flush against her body before reaching behind with the other hand and unclasped the woman's bra with ease, watching it fall away slowly as Regina slid the straps down her arms. Emma was entranced by the woman's beauty, making the brunette smirk a little and reach up to cup Emma's face. "My eyes are up here." She teased and the blonde blushed deeply.
"Sorry... I just..." But she couldn't finish her sentence as Regina's lips sealed hers once more.

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