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Krow stared at the newcomer.
"I'm not impressed" spoke Krow to his guards "as soon as he sets foot onboard, take him, board the ship and get me data".
Krow had just about forgotten the thrill he used to get from fighting in the Spheres, the third trial of Sphere was still used as highlights, a world record was set, not by Krow or Neo or Rinzler but by another programme called Vee.

The newcomer, who was covered in what looked like rags quickly reached for his hexagonal shaped disc, but he was too slow.
Neo's disc was slicing through the air towards him at top speed, the stranger moved his head to avoided losing it and sprang to his right, the newcomer's disc bounced randomly and had already derezzed three of Cray's guards.
Krow had never seen anyone move the way he did, very precise.
From the strangers forearms appeared more differently shaped discs which were smaller but bounced suddenly and quicker and gathered speed as they bombarded the room.
Everyone was moving in all different directions.
Krow's disc was eliminating the strangers minidiscs and Neo was now in hand to hand combat.
The encounter was fast and deadly.
The stranger finally fell face down unconcious after Krow hit him with his full power.

Krow picked up the hexagonal disc, looked at it as he turned it in his hands then handed it to Lucox who held onto it.
"Get me everything on that ship" ordered Krow.
Two of the guards moved quickly.
"I don't understand" spoke Neo as he hoisted the invaders body over his shoulder.
"He was amateurish" replied Krow "take him to the cells".
Neo moved off.

Alot of programmes had waited for a fight but were told to stay alert to anything suspicious.
They were informed the invader was now in prison.
Everyone slowly moved off and returned to their work while others followed Krow's ship back to it's home base demanding answers.
Some wanted the invader derez'd publicly, others wanted him eliminated but Krow had his own ideas.

RINZLER//AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now