Chapter 3

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(Marie POV) (A/N oh look a new POV)
I was peacefully sleeping when I hear someone scream. "AHH WHAT'S GOING ON" I yell freaked out.
"haha sucker got ya" my sister Mia says laughing. "Wow" I say rolling my eyes. "Its time for school" Mia says slapping me. "Ughh ok" I say getting up and going downstairs. "Mom" I say getting to the end of the stairs. "Yea" My mom says from I don't know where. "where are you?" I ask. "In the kitchen" my mom says back. "Kk" I say going to the kitchen. "how much schoolwork do I have today" I ask grabbing an apple and bitting into it. "Umm I'm not sure I didn't look" my mom answers my question. "Ok ill go look then" I say going to the laptop. (A/N By the way They are Homeschooled)
"Ughh I have Math" I yell to my mom. "Oh ya because its Monday" my mom yells back. "UGH" I yell starting my schoolwork.
(3 hours later)
"OH YA IM DONE" i yell happy that I'm done with school for the day. "your done?" Mia asks looking up from her book. "Ya why?" I say getting up. "I still have to do Writing" Mia says looking back down at her book. "Haha sucker I'm done before you" I say laughing. "OW" I yell holding my arm where my sister hit me with a book. "Don't call me a sucker you Butthead." Mia says looking at me. "Ok ok I won't" I say grabbing the book and putting it on the table. "MOM" I yell walking over to her "Stop the yelling and ya?" My mom says looking at me. "I'm gonna go ride my bike" I say grabbing an apple and bitting into it. "Kk be safe" my mom says going back to whatever she was doing. "K" I say walking out the door and going to my bike.

(Couple hours later)
"IM BACK" I yell walking inside. "Okay" my mom yells back.
"ILL BE UPSTAIRS IF YOU NEED ME" I yell running upstairs to my room. when I get up there I grab a book and start reading it.

( few hours later) (Mia POV)
"YO MARIE" I yell running into are room. "WHAT" she yells back. "Mom wants you" I say grabbing my phone and siting on my bed. "Kk" Marie says walking out of the room. I sign into my YouTube account and then watch O2L.

(2 hours later)
Well I have watched o2l for 2 hours now, as I was about to watch one more Marie comes in yelling "MIA!!" Marie yells running to me. "WHAT!?!?!?!?" I yell back. "why u gotta be so ruuddee" Marie sings. "wow now what?" I sat rolling my eyes. "it's time for dinner" she says putting her phone on her bed. "Kk" I say getting up and going down stairs. "FOOD" I yell siting down.

(After dinner)
"ok in going to go take a shower" I say putting my plate in the sick. I run up stairs and get clothes for after my shower.

(Skip shower)
"IM DONE" I yell.
I jump on my bed and start falling asleep.

(Marie) (before dinner)
"YO MARIE" Mia yells running into are room. "WHAT" I yell back. "mom wants you" she says grabbing her phone then sitting down on her bed. "kk" i say going downstairs. "what ya need?" I ask walking over to my mom. "Well ya know how Mias birthday is coming up?" She says/asks. "yaaa" I say. "Well that youtuber o3l or whatever it is, is coming to the Texas and I thought it would be a good gift for her what do you think" she says looking at me. "it's O2L mom and ya she will LOVE that!!" I say smiling. "ok then will you go but the tickets." she asks me. "ya sure" I say grabbing the laptop and buying the tickets.

Hey look my 1st a/n!! So how are ya likening the story? Oh and sorry for all the time skips. Well that's it for this a/n!!

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