one | cleaning out my closet

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Ryan was cleaning out his closet on a beautiful, saturday morning, july 6th, 2067. He took out a few boxes, and he found one that said, "dont open until you forget who gave you this <3"
Well, Ryan didn't remember who gave it to him. it was taped shut. He pulled it out, and put it on his bed to look through later.

When Ryan was done cleaning out his closet, he took the tape off the box and opened it. The first thing that was in it was a letter. It said "Ry" on the front. He opened the letter. It was written in red pen.

hey, ryan. how are you? when are you reading this? are you still young? are you an old man? it's me, kale.

Ryan's heart stopped. He knew now who wrote this letter. Kalvin Garrah.

have you forgotten me already? well, obviously. youve opened this box.. well, i'm your boyfriend. or past boyfriend, or maybe husband. i hope so. hows life? hows noodle? have you done anything fun? i hope youre smiling right now. remember when we met? how when we saw eachother at the airport, we just immediately hugged??

Ryan was waiting to see his internet friend, Kale. He was excited and anxious. When he saw him he jumped "KALVIN!!" he yelled, kalvin turned his head and ran toward Ryan. he dropped his stuff and jumped to hug him. "Dude i never thought this day would come." Ryan said, smiling. "I'm so happy.." replied Kalvin.

Ryan smiled at the memory. He finished the letter. He looked in the box. So many pictures. He found a picture of them at a party. Ah yes, that party. He remembered that night like it was yesterday.


hiiii so let me know if this was okay,, idk bro, i like it (:

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