Chapter 36- I didn't

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Elise's Pov-

Stampy and Squid waved at me. I can't believe they were stood right infront of me and I didn't realise.

"Hi!" Stampy cheered as I looked from Ty to Preston to Stampy and Squid and then back to Ty.

"When did you get here?" I said smiling widely. Preston started smiling cheekily, as did Ty and I looked up at him. "Did you plan this?"

Ty grinned widely at me and nodded his head. "We planned it the day before we went out to get our suits over skype. I wanted to cheer you up because you were upset so I asked the two guys that you practically lived with for two months to fly over here" Ty laughed.

"Yay! How long are you staying?" I asked Stampy and Squid.

"Two weeks I think. Right stamps?" Squid said unsure.

"Yeah you got it right" Stampy confirmed. I internally squealed. This was awesome! And they were in time for the funeral... oh.

My smiled dropped and I started running back to the house. That's all I ever seemed to do. Run. It's what I knew to do best. I'd run from my fears, my problems... everything. Sometimes I wish I could just stop. I didn't mean to... I promise I didn't.


Emily's Pov-

After Elise and Preston left, the whole house sat in silence. No one was done mourning yet, but no one wanted to because they just purely couldn't believe it.

Maybe if it was sunny outside, I would suggest going for a swim or playing outside... but its not. It's storming.

And Elise, Preston and possibly Ty are out in it.

"Hey baby Girl" Mitch said as he flopped on the couch next to me. I smiled at him weakly and looked at my fingers. The black and blue nail varnish was chiped away, nearly vanished. I knew it was time to take it off... but I didn't want to. It was the only thing left that reminded me of Yasmin, the only thing I had that she gave to me. Even if it was a quick coat of varnish for me.

"What's going on up there?" Mitch asked tapping my head gently.

"Nothing much, just you know, the whole Yasmin thing and thinking about this nail paint" I sighed biting my lip.

"When isn't a girl thinking of nail paint?" Mitch laughed. I frowned. I don't think he understood how much this chiped coat meant to me. And how deep cut that actually hurt me.

"Yasmin did it for me" I snapped in reply. I didn't mean to snap, I promise I didn't.


Nothing was said between us after that.


Alesa's Pov-

I was the only one not at the Team Crafted house. I was packing up at my own house, getting ready to make the move to England. I couldn't handle being near Yasmin's house a day longer, so after the funeral, I would be moving. Moving far, far away.

I know I should have been with Adam, after all Yasmin, one of his closet friends, just died. I should have been by his side, but I just can't. He reminds me of her to much. The same outgoing attitude, the same Crazy hyper ness that I loved from both of them.

I gently placed my last box on the floor and sat on the couch, the one I was leaving behind.

Looking at my lock screen I tryed my hardest not to cry. It was of me, Adam and Yasmin. It was taken a few days just before Elise went into her coma.

Why? Why when everything was just turning right did everything have to change for the worse?

Having one last thing to do before the funeral I picked up my phone, purse and house keys and started making my way over to the Team Crafted house. In search for one special person, one of those who I would never forget.

My boyfriends Sister, Elise.

And if I do forget her... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Honestly, I didn't.

Trust me.


Hai there FireFlys! FreeFireMc here bringing you chapter 36. 4 chapters left and an epilogue untill the end of the book. Sad Face.

In other news, due to my massive excitement over starting the third book so soon, I'll be updating as often as I can between now and Tuesday.

As you know Tuesday is my updating day along with Thursday, and my aim is to start the third book on Thursday.

So I'll try to have as many, well deserved and well written chapters in between now and then, and I hope you guys are as excited about the next book in the 'My Brother's Who?' series.

I have a question for you all, two questions actually.

Question 1- Who's your favourite character in this series? and why? (don't worry if you dunno why)

Question 2- What do you think the next books gonna be called? (and for all those who know, don't answer this question and spoil the fun for others k? Chloe, Wonder, Shadow I'm looking right at you guys)

So that's all. If you enjoyed this chapter be sure to slap that vote button with your headphones. Leave a comment and tell me what you thought and answer the questions!

Take care. Luv chu!

~FreeFireMc Out!!

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