Chapter 2

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Felix POV

"I-I broke up with Marzia, I couldn't carry on with the relationship it wasn't working out" Felix looked down and started to cry.

"It's okay Pewds, you did the right thing this way you can find someone else, someone who you truly love"

Felix smiled a little, if only he could get the courage to tell cry he was the one he truly loved and has truly loved since meeting him.

Felix heard cry laughed a little "You know what I know what will cheer you up" cry practically Yelled this.

"And what would that be?" Felix replied sarcastically

"I'll come to Sweden, we can meet and have some bro time."

"That sounds brilliant" felix perked up, thinking this was the perfect chance during cry stay he woul tell him no matter what he would confess he had to sooner or later. "I'll send you the plane tickets it's the least I can do" after 30 minuets of arguing about who would get the plan ticket cry finally gave in,

"Fine but don't wast too much money on me, I don't want you splashing out on me" Cry said trying to conceal his excitement yet at the same time trying to sound serious.

"Oh don't worry only the best for you" he chucked "I'll see you tomorrow, I'll be waiting at the airport"

"Okay, see you then friend" They done a quick bro fist the cry went to pack.

Crys POV

Cry ran across his apartment tripping over his mat,

"Ergh!" Cry got up still rushing, he got to his room throwing cloths after cloths out of his draw, and shoving them into a suitcase. Next he went over to all his gaming and YouTube equipment and carefully put the, into another suitcase. Done cry thought, but no he was no where nears done. He hadn't even started.

*beep beep*

Cry jumped startled by his phone going off, he looked over seeing Pewds had sent him his ticket to print out.

"It's now or never" cry whispered printing the ticket and collecting his bags.

-------- TIME LAPS--------

Cry bordered the plane, seeing he was in first class he knew Pewds spent money and I mean a lot of money on getting him to Sweden. Crys thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the air hostess Broadcasting a message,

"The plane will take off in 20 ,minuets please fasten your belts and turn all electronic devices off. Thank you for flying air Sweden"

Cry decided to text felix that he was just taking off and that we would see him soon, cry knew he had a long flight ahead of him so he got comfy and started to drift off to sleep thinking of Pewds.

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