Chapter One

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"Now is now. And that was then. Now im not a small six year old child. Now i'm a fourteen year old teen. It's been 8 years since the masacare. That long.

It's hard to forget about it. It's hard to forget about that night. But that was back then." i say and take a deep breath "Well."

August 21 2009.

I walked out of the foster home. I smiled. For today was the day i learned that i was going to get adopted...well hopefully. I walked slowly through the woods. The light was soft and reflective. The trees were brilliant reds,oranges,and browns. I looked around still smiling. The forest was my wonderland a place to forget...everything. I trumped through it happily.

Once I got to my favorite tree I sat down. I pulled out my journal. I grabbed my pen. I opened to a blank page. A razor blade slid onto my lap. I stared at it for a moment. I took a deep breath. Robynn your still alive your breathing you weren't killed that day. I took another deep breath and tucked it into my journal safely. I wrote an entery in my journal.

Dear journal,

I'M GETTING ADOPTED!!!! Seriously. A lady is adopting me! she's really nice and she likes me. I'm going to have a last name of Renalds. Isn't that exciting?! Oh and Joey can come and visit from the orphanage when ever he wants! Fun! I'm so happy i could scream for joy. Guess what?! I can get my own room! Woo! SHIT!!!!! I have to go It's getting late! I love you.


I put down my journal and ran throw the forest back to the orphanage. I opened the huge double doors and bolted inside. I slipped and fell face flat onto the ground.

"Woah woah woah. Robynn! Are you okay?" My counciler said

I smiled and nodded at her familiar face. "Yeah i'm alright"

"Well missy go get packed their on their way." she smiled she had wrinkles and her hair was a soft brown.

"Really?!" My heart pounded even i couldn't even explain the joy i felt.

I run up to my room and nearly pummel Joey to the ground. He was a year older than me.

"Woah woah woah!" He said and looked at me with those piercing blue eyes. "What's the rush birdy?"

Birdy was his nickname for me. "I'm getting adopted!!!" i shoutedin joy

His eyes lit up and he flips his long blonde hair out of his face. "Birdy! Thats incridible!!"

"I know and you'll vist me!" i said hugging him now

He nods "Of course!"

"Great!" i hug him tighter. "Now come on and help me pack D.A."

He smiled and walked with me to my room. We talked about me starting a new life in a new home.I was extatic! I was so happy. That was the first time in a while.I was happy.

I mean what kid wouldnt be leave there horible past and start new.


So i thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2011 ⏰

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