Day 5 - Observations

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Discovery walks are what you need when you land in a new place. We've spent the last days doing mostly three things: walking, eating and thinking.

Walking the neighborhood to find the important spots such as the best currency exchange or the cheapest supermarket... We happen to be in one of the best districts, where there's everything you need and at the perfect distance to the center.
Eating the best khachapuri we could find (the one with egg I limited it to once a week) and other inventions, such as Russian nesquick or a Georgian kind of salami, quite okay.

Thinking about our real possibilities here after talking to everyone we can. Nice people we had the luck to find and who are like fountains of valuable information we can use, as well as very helpful fellas. If Georgians can boast about something, it's being among the world's most hospitable people.

Young people speak more and better English than in Spain.
I think if Georgia is so green, it has to do something with the rain.
My Georgian has to be improved.

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