Two Dares!

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Aira: Alright we have two dares from Geekgal247.

Shiki: They're not bad are they?

Aira: No, not for most of us at least.

Neku: I don't like the sound of that.

Joshua: Can we know what the dares are?

Aira: Alright the first dare is to watch NicoB play TWEWY. *takes a deep breath and let's it out*

Rhyme: Are you okay Aira?

Aira: Yeah just fine. *pulls it up*

After They Watch It

Beat: Hey what's up with this dude?

Shiki: I don't know...

Aira: The next dare is that Joshua has to call Neku 'Sally' for a minimum of 5 asks/dares.

Neku: *groans* Dammit.

Joshua: Oh come on, it won't be that bad Sally.

Neku: It is bad.

Aira: Also you can keep calling him that after the five asks/dares are up.

Neku: Why me?

Aira: Don't ask me. That's all for now send in asks or dares and I guess we'll see you soon.

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