Found Ch17

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^^ Danki Saka

Cana pov

I looked down at the address the clan alders gave me and gulped looking at the door Infront of me... I was scared they would reject me.

I mustered up all the courage I possibly could and brought my hand to the door and knocked I squeezed my eyes closed in anticipation as I heard somebody begin to open the door, my eyes then shot open not wanting to look weird upon meeting my biological parents.

The lady who opened the door was absolutely gorgeous, she had blonde hair that reached the past her shoulders, she had beautiful blue eyes with thin red lips, staring up at her I found myself speechless... This is my mom.

"Can I help you?" She asked in a kind soft silky voice and I blinked before saying "are you... Sara Saka?" I asked carefully as I played with my hands nervously.
"Yeah that's me, and you are?" She ask rather happily.
"Um I'm Cana Saka... Your daughter" I muttered scared of her reaction, she froze and didn't say anything for a few seconds but then i heard crying, I looked up to see her balling her eyes out, I then saw a man appear behind her wondering what the commotion was, he took one look at me and his eyes widened with realisation. My mom then pulled me into her arms and sobbed, my father then wrapped his arms around both of us... I'm with my family now.

"So kiddo, what brings you to our door?" He asked as they pulled away from me.
"I want... You to train me, I want to use the clans gekkie kenkai better and to improve in Taijutsu and jutsus but I can't train with members of the clan in the village they don't fight me seriously as they worry about hurting someone who is heir to the clan, so I sort out you two, an ex clan leader and my mother, I'm sure if anyone could help me get stronger it's somebody who's read all the clans files knowing all the secrets" I stated looking my father directly in the eyes the entire time.
I was scared to be rejected but I was positive they wouldn't turn me away based of how they reacted to being reunited with me.

"We'll train you" mother interrupted before my dad could say anything but he smiled softly and nodded in agreement and I couldn't help but smile brightly.
"Do you have a place to stay?" My dad asked.
"Well not yet, I wanted to know if you'd train me first before making living arrangements" I muttered wondering about ways I could get paid to keep an income for paying for a house.
"Why don't you live with us for your stay? It will give us a chance to be your parents" my mom asked and I hesitated but nodded none the less.

One week later

"Faster!" My father yelled as I ran around him in a circular motion throwing kunai at him which he effortlessly deflected, I huffed in annoyance before trying again. My dad is an anbu level shinobi, I'm only chunin so he's rather hard to beat, but there's no chance I'm giving up.
Mom made a timetable for how I'm going to train every week, apparently it helps my dad remember what he's doing.

Week 1:

Monday: Taijutsu
Tuesday: endurance
Wednesday: justu (wind)
Thursday: wepons/ aim
Friday: rest Day
Saturday: kekkie genkai
Sunday: jutsu (lightning)

Week 2

Monday: genjutsu release
Tuesday: Chakra control
Wednesday: summonings
Thursday: jutsu (wind)
Friday: jutsu (lightning)
Saturday: gekkie kenkai
Sunday: rest Day

After the two weeks the time table would repeat for however long is needed but things would get crossed off after being mastered and be replaced with something I need or am weak in.

Since it's been a week I decided to write Asuma a letter so he didn't worry too much about me.

Dear Dad,
I found my biological parents and they seemed to except me instantly which was a rather large shock to me as they did leave me. My mom is really pretty and kind. Dad is strong but a softy.
I miss you a lot I miss the village too, and it's only been a week, imagine how I'm going to survive three years! I can't wait to come home and show you how much stronger I've become, I want you to be proud of me. I love you lots!
Love from Cana.

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