Chapter One

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It happened once again. Waking up naked in someone else's bed. A pounding headache makes it worse. Sliding out of the bed, I quickly put on my clothes. As i make my way out of the house I pull my phone out calling an Uber. The screen shows it's 6:30am. Damn I'm late for work. A horn signals that my ride is here. I give my address to the driver, and I'm taken to my apartment. Walking into the apartment it seems that my roommate and best friend, Alyssa Pugh, is still asleep. I make my way to my room, showering and getting ready for the day. I have decided not to go into work. Oh I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Joseph Grant Murphy. I'm a girl and I like girls. And for the name, I have a penis. I'm I guess you would call it intersex. Everything about me is a girl, but with a little bit more down there. I'm 23 years old. Anyways I have long pompadour styled hair that's a dark brown. One green eye and one crystal blue eye, but I wear brown contacts. I have tattoo sleeves on both arms. My body is muscular. Okay good enough I guess for a description. Walking into the kitchen I brew some coffee for me and Alyssa. Ten minutes later she comes waltzing into the kitchen where I am. I hand her a cup of coffee that she gratefully accepts. "Why aren't you at work?" She question. "Uhh..." "You got drunk and slept around didn't you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "I love you," I squeaked out with a smile. She groans," Sadly." "I have to go to work, cya Joseph," Alyssa says heading out. "Bye babes!"
Seeing as there is nothing to do now I pull out my laptop and start working on my book.
*Time skip*
I finish 9 chapters and call it for the day on the book. Who knew writing a book would take so long and be so hard? Noticing the time is 3:55pm I decide to go to the gym and prepare for my fight. In the mornings I work at a cafe and I do underground fighting.
*At the gym*
"Hey Drew!" I call out to him. "Joey! My favorite fighter," Drew says cheerfully. I flip him off to which he just chuckles. "I'm here to prepare for my fight in two days." "Then let's get to it." After six hours he tells me to go home. Since I walked here I text Alyssa to come pick me up cause I'm too lazy to walk back. As I'm chilling out I hear a horn honk, so I look up to see Alyssa parked in front of me. Noticing someone in the passenger side, I get into the back. "Hey babes," I say to her. "Hey Joey! This is my friend Alex Morgan!" She greeted back. I nod my head at Alex. I put in my head phones and listened to music the whole way to the apartment. When got there i went to my room and showered. Putting on sweats and tank top on, I walk into the kitchen. Alex and Alyssa are at the island talking when Alyssa says," Joey your cooking tonight. No if, ands, buts about it." "Jackass," I mumble, grabbing a skillet. "What do you two want?"
"Anything vegan,"Alex says. "Okay." So I prepare a nice vegan meal for us. After we eat I leave Alyssa to clean up the kitchen, and I go to the living room with my laptop. I noticed Alex followed me in here, but I don't pay her any attention. As I'm working on my book she asks, "what do you do for a living?" I shrug in response not taking my attention away from my writing. "What you doing?" Alex questions looking over at my laptop. Once again I shrug in response. "You don't talk much do you?" "No she doesn't. She is very shy around new people," Alyssa answers for me. "So what does she do for a living?" "She works at a cafe in the mornings and another job at night every now and then." Thank God Alyssa didn't tell her the full truth of me being a fighter. "What is she doing right now?" " She, my friend, is writing a book." "Awesome!" " It's 11:45pm. We should head to bed. Where is Morgan sleeping?" I ask. "I could sleep on the couch." "Your gonna sleep with one of us. Choose who," Alyssa informs her. She thinks for a little while before choosing me. My face I make upon hearing her answer made Alyssa die out laughing. "Goodnight babes," I tell her and wait for Alex to say goodnight as well. Once done, she follows me to my room. "Bathroom is right there do whatever you need to and then go to sleep." "Ok thanks." I get into bed and set my alarm for tommorow. As I'm about to fall asleep I feel her slip in beside me. "What did Alyssa mean you have a job at night every now and then?" Groaning, I say, "Don't worry." "So is it illegal?" "I don't sell drugs or anything."  "Then what is it?" "Come with me on Friday." "Okay!" "Goodnight Morgan." "Sweet dreams Joey."

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