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Minju's POV

I went outside our room so I can shower then I saw Chaeyeon and KaEun unnie in the kitchen. Chae is cooking while unnie is prepping the table for dinner.

Hey guys I'm Minju, by the way I know Chaeyeon even before she move to Florida I gues she doesnt remember me at all.

Me and Chae live in the same housing village here Seoul. Our parents are friends, I technically know her since I was 4 years old and shes 6. Then they move to florida when shes 13.

I'll tell you guys a secret, I confess to her before and she confess back to me.

I like her she like me, we were each others first love BUT after the day she confess, she left without saying a word, she didnt even say goodbye.

If you ask me If I still love her, ofcourse I do. I just dont have the guts to confess again that this is me Minguri her first love and get hurt again now that she has so many people around her that potentially like her.

I can wait until she remembers.

Chaeyeons POV

Minju walked pass us and she went to take a shower. That girl is so quiet, she smile sometimes and then doesnt talk sometimes.

Hope she can be comfortable with everyone. Shes pretty and I really think it would suit her to be a jolly happy kid.

Right now me and KaEun unnie is preppin fpr dinner. I finished all the food then start calling them.

While arranging the table I spill some soup in the floor and that then Minju came out to the bathroom and slipped.

My reflexes reacted quickly I grabbed her waist but then my balance was off so we fell and she fell on top of me naked while the towel is covering her back.

There was a slow motion moment there.

'This is the second time Chaeyeonie.' Minju said.

I froze for a bit.

'Yaaah Minju you okay?' Yujin shouted running to her and helping her up.

'Chae you okay?' Kaeun said.

'Yah am okay' i said.

My head is still not working properly.

'Chaeyeonie?' I said at the back of my head.

The only person who calls me that is Minguri.
Minju? Minguri? Hmmm impossible. Minju is too pretty to be her it cant be.

Ohyes guys. Minguri is my first love. Although very tragic. When we finally confess to each other me and my parents migrated to florida.

I tried to look for her online after two years but i couldnt find her.

Minguri is pretty but we were just kids before. No no it cant be her.

If you ask me, do i still love her? Hm i dont really know. I am currently not focusing on those things right now. Probably when I feel it then thats it.

Minju went to their room. After 5 mins I knocked.

'Minju? can I come in?' I asked.

'Yes!' She replied

'You okay ? Does any parts hurt?' I asked.

'Dont worry Chaeyeon am all good.' She said.

Minju's POV

Shes worried.

'Can i ask you something?' She said.

'Yea sure'

'Why did you call me Chaeyeonie and what do you mean by second time?' She asked I was shocked when she asked me.

I have to make up something.

'Huh I did not call you Chaeyeonie, we are not even close' i lied.

'Oh maybe am hallucinating' she said.

'And that was the second time I slipped today thats what I mean.' I lied again.

To be honest, the first one that she save me from a slipped was when we first met each other in the park near our house.

'Ah. Okay! Lets go lets eat. ' she said.

So we both went out the room and everyone is looking at us.

'LOL guys what looks are those, we just talked.' I said.

Chaeyeon was laughing.

'We know Minju, dont be so defensive' Yena said while laughing.

After we ate, Room A members clean the kitchen we watch TV and chat the whole night.

--- to be continued. ✌🏻

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