Little Ball Of Sunshine!

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Part 7:  Little Ball Of Sunshine!

So I have started to speak out about my past, and I guess its good because i have become more confident about who i am, what i do and how i look. But the bad thing about doing that is some people think that i can go straight back to my dark past. I've only told around 4 people about my past and how i was depressed and could of be edging on to suicidal, not really but my depression was really bad. I have only told my 4 closest friends, my parents don't even know about it, so if i've told you feel happy and special because its hard for me to trust. 

One of my friends yesterday (I'm going to call her Lissy but its not her name) so yesterday, Lissy thought that something was wrong with me. There was but i was just sick i hadn't eaten anything that day and god, was i hungry. She kinda jumped to conclusions and thought i was depressed again i guess and she picked up my arm and said i see scratches, there are like 3 mosquitoes bites on my arm and they are really fucking itchy. So the scratches on my arm were just me itching myself, NOT because I'm self-harming again. Lissy is i think my best friend and she would be the first one i go to for help, because she will scream at me and i probably wont do it again. 

And yeah I was in depression for like 2 years, and last year i fell back into it from march until Christmas, and now I'm not depressed and I'm the little ball of sunshine in some peoples lives. 

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