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--WARNING: this chapters includes gore and violence, this may be triggering for some readers--

(Y/n- your name/first name M/n- middle name L/n- last name)

~~3rd Person's POV(Y/n focus)~~

You walked to your house with your head low, you were too scared to contemplate the future, anything could happen, a high chance that it would be horrible. You raised your head a bit as you saw your house a few blocks away, you continued walking then finally in front of the door that leads to your comfy living room where you can just forget everything, your hand wrapped around the handle and turned it. "You've got to be kidding me.." You sigh in disappointment as you frowned 'I'm just gonna lie down on the backyard..' You did as you thought but after lying there on the ground for 10 minutes, your eyes felt heavy as you close them, making you sleep.


"Sweetheart wake up.." You opened your eyes a bit, but you couldn't see anything, your surroundings were only pitch black, you try parting your lips but couldn't do that either, as if something is sticking above your mouth, preventing it to move, you were getting scared, you tried looking around but you heard metal hitting each other as you moved your head, a slight force that pulled you back a bit, you tried moving your arms but felt a sharp pain on your wrists after moving them, a trickle of liquid could be felt against you skin, then tried moving your legs but no pain, only force, something was wrapped around your legs making them get pulled back to where they were before moving them. A small yet distorted laugh could be heard somewhere in the right.

"You're mine, and only mine.."

You felt a hand travel around my arms down to my waist, you shiver from the sudden touch, the hand continues what it was doing, after a few minutes, you felt something soft and wet against your neck, you tried moving your head again, but remembered something cold wrapped around your neck preventing you to move your head.

"I hope you're okay with those chains around your perfect are so beautiful in that position.."

You shook your head in fear, the object that covered you eyes and mouth got removed as you saw darkness as if there's no change when your eyes were covered, but a figure can be seen in front of you, your eyes widened as you saw Mr. Baldi, you tried to tell him to help you but couldn't, no word came out, a regret struck your mind like a gun shot that got through your brain

'He was the one that chained you down'

You heard a deep voice speak, you looked around without moving your head, but nothing was visible from the darkness of the room.

'Get out of here, get away from him...'

"Don't listen to him're going to be with me either way, you won't be able to get out, you won't and you can't"

Tears starts to go down your cheeks, you were so confused of what was happening.

"Sweetheart don't cry, you're too beautiful to cry"

Mr. Baldi spoke, you want to get out of there, who knows what he might do, even if they say that he's your teacher, no one should believe anyone.

"You don't trust me..?.."

He placed a hand on your arm as he gripped it tightly, giving you a hint of anger.

Your pupils shrinked, showing your fear and regret, his eyes glowing completely in pitch black, he wore a sickening grin on his face, your guts told you that something was going to go wrong, you pulled your arm to get it out of his grip yet unbearable pain stuck you in one blink of an eye, your eyes poured warm tears from the agony but nothing came out from your mouth, no screaming, no cussing, no pleading. Your eyes were the only ones showing your reaction, you look at your wrist where the chain was wrapped it, you saw blades inside part of the chain as it was against your bleeding skin, warm blood slipped through the deep cut unto the chain itself and to it's shakle the liquid making a small puddle below.

Another figure appeared out of nowhere as a noice can be heard, as if something was being dragged, the principal crawls towards us as his organs..kidney, stomach intestines getting dragged along with him, he got the bottom part of his body chopped off, below his waist, he raised his hand and revealed it holding a phone where the he pressed 'call'. It was 911..


Mr. Baldi's eyes widened as he grabbed an axe from who knows where, he raised the weapon above his head and swung it downwards making it go across the principal's head, his head got split in two, the axe sliced through his brain but not on his mouth part, you gasp at the sudden action, blood splattered everywhere while making a huge pool of crimson blood below the corpse.
You screamed in fear, scared of what your 'teacher' would do..

"Y-y/n..I love you...."

He whispers as his body stayed still..

"H-hello!? Sir we'll be there as fast as we can!"

Before the female hung up, Mr. Baldi hit the axe against the phone, breaking it.

"Don't worry darling, we'll be together no matter what happens"

He dropped the axe and grabbed a somewhat gasoline..? And a lighter, he poured the gasoline on both of you as he clicked the lighter as he whispers

"I love're mine and forever mine"

He dropped the lighter as the fire starts burning your flesh, you scream in agony as he just stood there with an insane grin on his face while being burned alive with you, the pain was so unbearable, tears slipping through your eyes as your troat starts to hurt because of screaming, you, Mr. Baldi, and the principal's corpse burn along with the whole room.

"There was a large fire last night at the building of an old school, 5 corpses were found but there are only 3 people that the investigators knew by name which died in last night's fire:

Y/n M/n L/n

John R. Parker


Baldi seem to be a teacher at the school, and was suspected as the murderer of the children and a man that's name is still not known, he seem to be the principal but some information's are still not clear, that's it for tonight's report"

"Look where that got you"

Epilogue (finished)

Official epilogue finished, no more changes, if you hate the ending, nothing you can do, its the best ending for all of you, no fights, no more fear, if all of you died in the first place or never existed. So that everyone has the same ending.

..Everyone dies, win win..

-The end-

--Invisible Chains-- (Yandere version) Baldi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now