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It was a cold morning, fresh was still asleep, error was up and watching TV,  geno was with error and mom was at work, icey frost filled the window and the room was dark.

"Mm..huh?" Fresh opened his eyes to the cold sunlight shinning in his eyes, quite annoying tbh, "great..." He said with a sigh.

Fresh got up shivering, his teeth shuttered together as he got up to put on a warm red and blue hoodie with pink pockets and sleeves and he put on green fluffy socks, he let out a small sigh turning to the mirror located next to his bed.

"Another day, another regretful life to waste more hours faking a smile"
Fresh walked over to where error and geno was.

Error was limp over the couch flicking through the channels, he let out a loud sigh, "o-oh, fresh, yo-u're awake"  He handed the remote to geno then got up and stretched clicking his spine.

"Um.. where's mom?" Fresh asked nervously
"Eh-h, sh-e's at work" error said with a discusted look on his face, error walked over to fresh with hands in his short pockets "and yo-u sle-pt in and misse-d out on
brea-kfas-t, so if that's wh-at yo-ur gonna ask for you ain't getting an-y, got i-t parasite" Fresh noted hesitantly  "g-ood" error walked past fresh bumping his sholder into him, fresh just looked down, he didn't care anymore, he's use to it.

He slowly made it to a cushion on the floor, that's where he was told to sit, it was comfy to him, plus error wanted to couch to him and geno, and a phew other people who comes over to hang out with him, fresh wassnt jealous, in fact,  he didn't feel anything, nothing at all.

Geno looked over to fresh with a worried look, "u-um,  fresh?" Geno said quietly "a-re you.. ok, you seem odd today" geno can't get up to see fresh clearly, he had his arm and leg broken from 'falling' at the park,

(he was beaten by bullies)

"F-fresh?, please answer me, I'm worried bout y-" geno was cut off
"I said don't!, don't worrie about me, don't feel bad for me, I don't need sympathy or love, just pretend that I don't exist" Fresh hid his face from geno, geno could only see the back of his head,
{he's not even watching tv}
geno thought to himself, a couple of seconds went by before geno continued to flicks through the channels.

Error walked in and layed down onto the couch where he previously was "gen-o you o-k?, ya lo-ok s-ad" error asked confidently
"I-i m fine, just cold"
geno faked a shiver but error bought it
"Ya w-ant m-e to g-et someth-ing warmer fo-r you?" Error asked with a concerned tone,
"Y-yes please thx" geno shivers again this time for real,
Error gets up and go's to get geno a blanket.

Fresh got up and grabbed his bag and left, he knew error was planning to hurt him today, like he does everyday, so he wanted to get away out of the house before it happened too soon.

In his bag there were a drink bottle, (empty) a pencil, lunch from the fridge mom made and a knife mom gave him to protect himself from bad guys on the way to school, it was cold and everything was covered in snow and frost, fresh looked out to the front yard emotionless before shivering again

*crash* "F-res-h!!!!!" Error yelled from inside, fresh gapped it

(took off)

He knew error didn't appreciate him leaving so soon, but he wasn't taking any chances, he kept running, he was running out of breath but the pumped blood shooting through his veins warmed him up, he started to smile when he saw a friendly face up ahead,
"Decay!!" He yelled out with a smile
"F-fresh??!!" They both started to run up to each other
Next thing fresh knew, was that he ran into a pole *twack*
Decay stopped in front of fresh who was laying on the floor "um ... Fresh you o-" Fresh jumped up and brushed off the snow, "Yep!, fine!" He said and he slowly went back down, "I'm just gonna... lay here... Not because I'm in pain but because I'm tired!" He said with confidence, decay is not impressed by it, he let out a sigh, then layed next to him, fresh didn't notice himself blushing.

Some time passed and fresh and decay was hanging out at a café, the warm smell of hot chocolates and coffee's passed thru the air, fresh and decay sat at a table far inside near the heaters, the plants were dying but they didn't care, as long as their warm, decay chuckled after fresh made some awful puns "Hehe I,  ok so, I've been wondering, curiously, umm what happened to your glasses, you use to wear em all the time, but where are they now?" Decay asked with a smile on his face, "i-um. .." *Fresh remembering how error snapped them in two when he was beating fresh up* "umm, they broke"
"Oh how sad, how did they break?"
"I umm they, sn-snapped, I kinda stepped on em, hehe by accident obviously" He chuckled
"Oh that's no good, we'll have to buy some new ones" Decay said looking at the shops across the street
Fresh blushed lightly, decays looked gorgeous into he cold light smiling off to the side, fresh didn't notice but he was starring at him for a while when he did relize he noticed decay was also day dreaming somewhere else blushing, fresh looked over to where he was looking, he recognized some kids from school that decay sometimes talks to, and strong hurtful feeling pulled down at his heart, {the heck and I'm thinking, decay, and me, no, we are just friends, and I've said it many times} fresh layed on the palm of his hand setting his elbow on the table.

Decay got out of his day dream once the kids walked pass, "oh! Sorry I was day dreaming fresh!, I'm so sorry"
Fresh smiled at decay tilting his head, "Nah its fine broski" Decay smiled back
"Oh shoot, fresh I'm sorry I have to go, dad expect me home in two minutes" decays stood up and gave fresh a hug before rushing out the door,
Fresh sat there in silence, he sighed "alright..." He said under his breath.

Time passed and fresh was wandering around town, hopefully not to run into a family member, it's now 4:00pm, {mom should be finishing work soon, should head home,..} fresh notices he's on the other side of town from his house ".....oh mother of g-".

He rushly walks to his house, running out of breath, when he got home mom's car wassnt there, "oh thank the heavens" Fresh said with a tired breath, he walks inside shaking in fear and coldness, he go's quickly to make it to his room, but he was cut off

"A-nd whe-re do y-ou thin-k you go-ing?!" Said a angry voice behind him, who tugged at his bag pulling him back down the stairs, "I-i. ..i"

I I I. .um" error said mockingly "y-ou were-n't surpo-st to leave t-oday!" Error chucked fresh to the ground, then got on top of him holding his shirt from his neck holding his fist above his sholder getting ready to punch.

(Part one)
Alright if ya enjoyed please vote and share this story with a friend 😊

can't wait for the next part!

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