Protector!Foxy x Reader:Nightmares

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You could barley sleep that night,you were staring at your ceiling.You felt tired,that was for sure,yet every time you shut your eyes you saw horrible visions.You see,your dad bright you to an old ware house and you can only remember the creepy old hall ways.He brought you to buy an old fox animatronic.Your dad always had a knack for repairing old robots,you always liked to watch him.
While in that ware house you remember seeing this old golden suit,it reeked of death.It seemed to be a rabbit,far beyond repair.While your dad was checking out the fox animatronic he bought,the golden rabbit got up.You could swear you could hear the sound of bones cracking from with in.It was absolutely soul shaking,you felt yourself freeze.Then all of a sudden you heard the fox animatronic spring to life in front of you and your dad.You thought he was glitched,he merely showed his preforming animation for a second then shut down.However,this seemed to of scared the other animatronic back into the darkness.That golden animatronic's dead cold eyes haunted you.But for some reason you always felt safe around Foxy,as if he was your guardian angel.

You kept shifting your head on the pillow,seeing flashes of the golden beast.Your head sprung up,your eyes watering.Through your blurry vision you could see a red figure standing next to your bed,Foxy.
"(Y/N)?Blimey,ye looked scared." He said in his pirate voice.
You looked up at the fox,seeing how many repairs dad made to him.One major one was that his chest was sewn back together,he looked cleaner now.
"I-I...I-I saw him..I-in my nightmares.." You whisper,hugging your legs.
"O-Oh!...I be Sorry sprog..." he used his hand to pat your back.
"H-He was so...b-big and..bloody..a-and.." you cover your eyes,as if the golden beast was in front of you.
"Aye...Aye...I be knowing,sprog.." Foxy replied,rubbing your face.
"W-Why did he want to hurt me?" You lean against the crimson animatronic's chest.
"He be a scallywag...Aye he be a real demon,I not be letting him get ye,savvy?" He stated.
"S-Savvy?" You asked,rubbing your eyes.
"It be meaning do you understand?" Foxy explained.
"A-Ah..yes,I understand.." you looked up,feeling safe.
"Now,be getting some rest,aye sprog?" Foxy smiled.
"Aye Aye Captain.." you laid back down on your back.
"I'll even be singing a song to ye to help ye sleep!" He whispered as he began to sing a soft lullaby.
Your eyes slowly shut,this time you weren't plunged down with him you were with Foxy,sailing the seven seas.Foxy would always protect you,through thick and thin.

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