Hunting Rabbits

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It is half one in the morning when Darren drops the boys off at the flat. They tumble out of the vehicle, slow and clumsy with sleep after a long drive and make their way into the building. Rye is at the back of the pack, having stopped to carry Jack piggy-back up the flights of steps, the younger boy's long legs and arms dangling loosely.

Ahead, he keeps his eyes on Andy.

Andy has plagued Rye's thoughts the entire ride home; the image of him falling to his knees, the heat in his eyes, and the sensation of his hands as they had ghosted down Rye's waist. It was all seared into Rye's brain, and try as he might, Rye can't seem to tamp down the confusing flush of desire that has him in knots.

He has to get this sorted, but there's a small worrying voice in his head warning him to proceed with caution.

Rye drops Jack off in his and Brook's shared bedroom. The lanky boy is asleep before he hits the pillow. Rye pulls the Adidas from Jack's feet and tugs a blanket over him. He turns to leave and runs headlong into a mostly-naked Brooklyn, who immediately wraps him up in a sleepy hug.

"Good night, mate," Brook says around a deep yawn.

Rye hugs him back and ruffles the younger boy's fluffy head affectionately, "Night, Brookey."

He leaves Brooklyn climbing into the top bunk and goes in search of Andy.

He isn't in the front room, the makeshift kitchen slash laundry slash bedroom he and Mikey call their own.

"Alright with you two?" Mikey asks yet again as he undresses for bed. "Talk yet?"

"I'm about to."

"Want backup?"

"Nope, I'm a big boy. Gotta handle it myself; whatever IT is."

Rye leaves the room, pulling the door closed behind him. Stopping in front of the bathroom, he hears the running sink shut off. A moment later, the door opens and Rye doesn't hesitate. He pounces, grabbing Andy unsuspectedly by the wrist.

He claps a hand over Andy's mouth before his terrified squeal can escape, and marches him down the hall. They fall through Rye's door, which he kicks shut behind them and knocks Andy backwards onto Harvey's empty bed.

If Harvey was there, he would be on Rye's side, Rye is sure of it. But Harvey isn't there, so if things are about to kick off, at least they'll have the privacy of Rye's own room to have it out.

He stands at the end of the bed with his arms crossed squarely over his chest, looking down on Andy, trying very hard to look cross. "Out with it, yeah?"


AN: A. Sleepy Jack and Brooklyn are just about the most adorable creatures ever. And B. Dad Rye can come live with me.

What do you think? Are things about to kick off?
Also, who here thinks the reason Rye bunked up with Harvey in the 2 bedroom flat was so he'd have the room to himself most of the time? Comes in real handy when you need some alone time with a certain someone.
Let me know what you think in the comments. Have you added this fic to your reading list yet? You should do that.

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