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                                                                               -Fourteen Years Later-

Miss Kim is now the CEO of a major entertainment company, and owns a school that focuses on the Arts. After years of hard work, Miss Kim has finally achieved her goal of becoming financially and mentally stable.

                                                                                    Miss Kim's POV

I think I am finally ready to take care of my children, I am so excited to see them!! I can't wait, but will they remember me? They were very young when I sent them overseas, especially Rose and Lisa. I decided to call my cousins and siblings I sent them to live with. 

Miss Kim: "Hello?"

???: "Hello, who is this?"

Miss Kim: "Kim Mira"

???: "Mira!! How've you been? Is something wrong that you called?"

Miss Kim: "Mi-rae, I am doing great now, and no nothing is wrong. I just feel I am ready to take care of my kids again. I mean I am the CEO of a major company and own a school. My kids would be fully supported."

Mi-rae: "GREAT!! Jisoo will be so excited!! When do you want me to send her to Seoul?"

Miss Kim: "Haha, I know they'll all be excited, can you please send her next week Tuesday?"

Mi-rae: "Yes! I'll tell her and give her your number. Bye!"

Miss Kim: "Bye Sissy!"

I call the others telling them what day to come and I exchange numbers.I create a chat group for the four girls to talk and get to know each other and myself. I am so happy my children and I will be reunited!

                                                                                          Jisoo's POV

My aunt just told me I will be returning to South Korea, to live with my Eomma and sisters. I was so happy! I couldn't wait until I saw my sisters again, my Eomma too!! 

I was scrolling through Instagram, when I got a message.

???: "Hello, is this Kim Jisoo? It's me your Eomma."

OMG!!!It's my Eomma!! 

Jisoo: "EOMMA?!"

Mom: "Yes"

Jisoo: "Eomma, I missed you so much! And my sisters!"

Mom: "Me too, I am sorry I had to send you girls away. I just wasn't ready to take care of you girls at that time. I wasn't stable."

Jisoo: "Eomma, I understand it's ok"

Mom: "I'm gonna put you in a chat group with your sisters. Bye"

Jisoo: "Ok, bye!"

OMG!! I am really gonna get to see my family after fourteen years! I heard a beep from my phone, my Eomma had put me in a chat group named "The Kim Sisters"...

???: "Hello?"


Jisoo: "Who are you guys?"

???: "Hello, I am Kim Lisa, I'm 15"

???: "Hello, I'm Kim Chaeyoung/Roseanne,  Rose for short, I'm 15 too"

Jisoo: "Hello, I'm Kim Jisoo, I'm 17"

???: "I'm Kim Jennie, and I'm 16. Nice to meet you."

It all came back to me! These girls were MY SISTERS! I can remember how close Jennie and I were, and how cute Rose and Lisa were. And the most painful memory, the day we were separated.

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