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"But mom, I don't really want to attend a part where I'll have to keep a fake smile on my face the entire time!!!"

This was an extremely normal occurrence in the Kang household and so, the servants kept on doing what they were doing already getting a headache thinking of the mess they would have to clean in Miss Kang's room after her conversation with her mother was over.

Seulgi was screaming about the party and how she'd hurt her jaw from all the smiling but in a few minutes- 37 minutes 12 seconds to be precise- she was walking down the stairs looking pretty grumpy. Again, it was a normal occurrence  in the Kang household.

"Who's gonna drive us to the party?" was the first question she asked the servant closest to er.
"A new driver" replied the maid

Seulgi nodded before heading to the living room where her parents were patiently waiting for her.

"Lets just get it over with quickly" she mumbled

"I efuse to tolerate such pathetic behaviour" roared her father

"Oh darling, let's not be so harsh on her and as she said, let's just get it out of the way" replied her mother in a calming voice and gave Seulgi a quick smile.

Seulgi had an idea about her mother's younger days and knew that her mother understood.

"Sir, the car is here, are you all ready?" asked Jeonghwa.

They all nodded and left but not before Seulgi getting another intimidating glare from her father.

"Mom, I'm gonna get Shit faced drunk tonight, don't you guys try to stop me"
was the only thing Seulgi said before sitting in the car.

"Good Evening Mr and Mrs. Kang" said the driver before starting to drive to the Oh Mansion.


"Oh Sehun, the guests are arriving, can you please go outside and greet them and leave Vivi alone for a few minutes?" screeched Mrs. Oh.

Sehun gave her a little smile before getting up and going outside to the entrance.

Upon spotting the first car Sehun automatically plastered a smile on his face even though he did not feel like smiling because everyone here was a pretentious asshole.

It had been a while and most of the guests were already inside doing God knows what (read: drinking and lying)

He had come outside for some fresh air because it was extremely suffocating to be surrounded by girls who only cared about his looks and/or money.

He had a glass of water in his hand because he hated alcohol

A soft breeze had started and he was resting his eyes when he heard an extremely loud splash.
He quickly turned around and saw a mop of hair inside the pool and he started running towards the pool and jumped inside swimming towards the person inside the pool but before he could reach the person, another person took her out.

He slowly got out of the pool and was instantly surrounded by the maids of his house with towels in their hands.

He directed them towards the other person and her saviour.

As soon as he saw that the people had towels and were being directed inside by his servants, he left for his room.

Another servant came rushing towards him with a towel in her hand.
"Master Sehun, you should take this or else you'll get sick"
He nodded and left for his room.

He was extremely tired and just wanted to sleep but he couldn't. He had to go down and mingle with the guests who only cared about money and power and secretly prayed for you to go bankrupt.

He changed into another suit and was drying his hair when someone knocked on his door.

He didn't give it much thought and opened his door, he was greeted with the sight of a young woman with a towel around her

She was mumbling something but that was not his priority at all, it was nearing December, was pretty cold and she was standing outside his door, completely wet.

Gosh, why can't the servants do their jobs properly?

"Go and take a bath, I'll get you some clothes" was the only thing he said before heading towards his mother's room.

After selecting a good night suit that could fit the girl, he closed the door and went back to his room where the girl was already settling down on his bed, wearing his clothes.

"Who are you?"

"None of your business, just close the door when you leave" was the only response he got.

Another knock came on the door
"Master Oh, you should head down, your family is looking for you" said Sasha and Sehun gave her a nod before leaving a stranger inside my room.
Sehun's pov
My mother spotted and ushered me towards a couple that was oozing confidence and power.

I bowed upon reaching them and my father started speaking
"Meet Mr. and Mrs. Kang, we're doing a merger with them"
I nodded towards them with a vague idea about what my father was about to state.

"You're going to marry their daughter Kang Seulgi".
I froze for a second and after taking a deep breath, nodded at them once more.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Sehun. I don't know where Seulgi is right now but can you look for her. She's the only girl who's Shit faced drunk today." was the first Mrs. Kang said to me.

"I'll look for her Mrs. Kang"
I bowed once more and left to look for her.

I went outside once more and thought about how I knew nothing about my future spouse other than the fact she was someone who liked drinking. Well...opposites attract I guess.

"Master Oh, we've lost the girl. Do you by any chance know about her whereabouts?"

"Oh, she's sleeping in my room. Do you know about her family?"

"Oh yes, she's Ms. Kang Seulgi"

Oh Shit was the only thought that was circulating in my mind.

I ran towards my room and opened the door only to be greeted with the sight of my future wife kissing another man inside my room.

Definitely not what I wanted to see my fiance-to-be doing.

They were both too engrossed in sucking each other's face that they didn't even notice me standing in the doorway.

I left when I saw the man slipping his hand inside her dress.


I went back downstairs and informed her family that she was in safe hands and asked if she could stay over for the night.

Great, I haven't even married her and I'm already protecting her and getting weird smiles from my family because they think that I'm gonna do something with her.

But, no thankyou, I do not like threesomes.

My mother ushered me to the side and said or more like squealed,
"I'm so proud of my little boy growing up but please use protection" and let me tell you that was awkward.

"Ahahaha I'll just go. Bye now" and I went to sleep in the guest room.

I took off my coat and went straight to bed 


I got an email a few days back and I decided to finish this word vomit so yayyy I guess. I changed some stuff that I wrote back in 2019 cause it was disgusting. I am not even lying

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