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Suddenly, our ball spins around slowly. I slipped my hand into my pockets to get my earpiece to press Emergency SOS. This will get sent to every staff member, they could track my earpiece as well, I just hope we'll all survive long enough until help comes. The white Rex turns us over, so we were facing her and that we were upright normal now and not upside down.

She raised her sharp claws in the air before stabbing the glass with it, making a few shards fall onto us, we all shielded our faces, but mostly our eyes since it was more likely to have slipped and sliced the squishy part of our eyes. The white Rex opened her mouth wide and slowly approached the ball with us inside it, kinda in a way how a dog retrieves a tennis ball. We three started to scream as if it'll ward the beast off and away, but the dinosaur tries to find her grip onto the slippery ball and once she did, she locked her jaw which caused the glass to spider crack all around us this time.

We were at her mercy at this point.

She brought us up in the air and then slammed us down to the ground as hard as she can.




Zach's arm reaches out for mine and Gray's seatbelt and quickly unbuckle them, and then he did it for himself. We've once again been brought up high into the air, but we suddenly slipped through our seats so we fell through the ball and landed onto the ground on top of the broken glass shards. 

We all quickly looked up to see in time that the dinosaur was about to bring the ball back down onto us. Gray and I curled up into a ball while Zach jumped on our backs to protect us furthermore. The impact came raining down hard, and it felt like the oxygen was taken away from us. Once the dinosaur brings the ball back up again, Zach urges us to get back on our feet and run away from this particular situation as if our lives depended on it, and to be honest, it did, "Go! Go! Go!" he said as he pushes us forward.

As soon as Gray and I got up to run, I looked behind in time to see that the dinosaur behind us smashed the ball back into the ground, glass shattering everywhere, I'm so thankful that Zach got us all out on time. I turned back around, and the three of us heard what was crystal clear, the dinosaur's angry roar, which only encouraged us to run faster. We three ran out from the forest and through the green field, but something didn't seem right, at the very end of the grassy field, it seemed like there was some sort of edge, but when we were close enough to realise it was a drop-off, we all stopped.

We all walked to the edge to look down, to see how long this drop-off could possibly be, though of course there were a waterfall and a pond at this point, I mean, why would there just be a sudden drop-off out in the middle of nowhere? We all turned around just as we heard stomping and growling to see the dinosaur catching up with us. Zach looks back at us. "We're gonna have to jump!" he yelled over the top of the gushing noise of the water.

"I can't!" said Gray.

"I can't swim!" I told Zach.

"Are you ready?" Zach yelled as the dinosaur began to run at us in full speed. "One, Two . . . " The dinosaur was just inches away from us and Zach did the only thing he could think of at this point. "Come on!" Zach suddenly pushes me off the edge and jumps off with Gray. The feeling of freefalling at a higher platform made butterflies fly in my stomach which I hated. As I was the first to land in the water, I landed on something sharp, painful, rough, tough and just about awful on my right side above my hip, which gave out a burning feeling.

I've suddenly been yanked to the left side where I felt something touching and pulling me down. I opened my eyes to see that I was surrounded in pink and red colour all around me, although, I wasn't stupid as I sometimes wish to be - It was blood, more specifically mine. The thing that was pulling me was Gray and Zach. 

Zach held 1 finger up as he held onto my hand and pulled me down at the same level as him and his younger brother. We were underwater for a while, holding in what we got, but eventually, our lungs started to burn and we were about to run out of breath, so it left us no choice to come up to the surface to breathe a lungful of fresh air. Zach was holding me up as he and Gray began to swim to shore. As we reached the surface, Zach pushed me and Gray to the muddy shore as we army crawled through the mud like legit survivors!

"You jumped!" Zach says to Gray.

They both started lightly chuckling as we all been brought to a tight, assuring hug because we survive the scariest moments of our lives and we lived to tell the tale! "We can't stay here long, who knows how long it'll come back!" said Zach.

"True," I said as I got up and winced at the pain on my right side. The pain in question feels like I was sleeping in a bed filled with lava rocks as a mattress, my wound stinging unbearably that I felt like I couldn't walk on my own. 

"Oh god, Ira!" said Gray as he got himself up and quickly rushed to me, I saw that he thought of hugging me, but then he thought better of it and avoided contact with me. 

"I think I landed on the side of a rock," I replied.

Then the distant roaring came in the background which made everything go numb in my body. Zach turns to me, "Can you walk?" He asked.

"Just about, which we're kinda lucky about," I said as I walked out of the mud and onto the solid ground

"Shit, shit, shit, we need to get back to the park," Zach muttered. "You need help, badly!" 

"I'm aware of that," I said. "Let's go, chumps," 

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