Dom! Geno x Sub! Reaper (Heat)

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Requested from Midnightkitty666

Geno: Omega
Reaper: Alpha

Geno: Italics
Reaper: Bold

Note: I headcanon RT! Papyrus as no longer innocent, due to him being death and all

+~Reaper's Pov~+


Just one more soul to reap-

That's all I need for today...


Who am I kidding- I need to get home and take care of this, I can't do my job whilst my entire body is shaking.
This has to be one of those You-cant-do-anything-until-you-fix-this heats.

Paps saw how much of a problem it was for me, and insisted on taking the last soul off for me.

"Nah- you don't need to, it's just one, I... I can handle it."

And next thing I knew, he teleported me in front of me and Gen's house. I didn't see the point in taking the time (or energy) to teleport back, so I opened the door to see Geno and Goth sitting at the table and eating lunch.

"Oh? You're here early today from work, something happen?"

His lovingly sweet voice, the way the words he said slid off his tongue and his care and worry, took me every bit of strength I had in me not to pounce Geno right then and there. Goth would smile at me thru a mouthful of PB&J sandwich, reminding me that he was still there.

"...Gen? Can I talk to ya for a sec?"

It was then that Goth's phone rang with a random anime theme. He'd pick it up and after a few moments of talking with Palette on it, said that his friend wanted him to come over. He'd teleport away, most likely to Palette's house.

+~Geno's Pov~+

I'd look over at Reaper, seeing him shaking. He'd look up from having his head down, face covered in a blue blush.
Oh boy, it was that time of the month wasn't it?

"Let me guess, you came home, despite saying you could finish up, and you're in a bad heat."

" ... "

He lightly nodded.

"Well, seeing as this is one of the worse ones, how bout we... Change things up a lil~?"

I'd give him a smirk, Reaper then putting the scythe that he was using as balance away and simply flopped into my arms. I was expecting something different, like an annoyed look that said 'you really think you're gonna be top?'
Although I picked him up (dAMN YOU'RE HEAVY) and stumbled into the bedroom. I'd plop him down and attempted to catch my breath. I would look over at Reaper, whom in response pulled me to him.

~+Nobody's Pov+~

Reaper had pulled Geno down onto the bed, immediately grabbing the scarved skeleton's neck and pressing his lips(?) Against theirs. Geno would respond, a hand slithering down Reaper's body and slipping off the two's clothing. Geno would leave himself with his signature scarf and a light glow to his own lower parts. Reaper would have the same glow, except only to a member in which was sticking straight up, begging for attention with precum formed on the tip. Geno would part his lips (don't question it) with Reaper's and lower his mouth to the source of the blueish glow. Gently lolling his tongue out, he'd teasingly lick off the precum on the head. His hands would slither along to a certain spot on Reaper's spine, just above the pelvis. He'd lightly rub the spot, earning a loud moan from the God's mouth. It was like music to his ears. Wrapping his mouth around the member he had with his tongue, Geno would lightly hum, having the vibrations be felt all throughout Reaper's body. Death, being unable to hold it back any longer, would release a shot of sweet cum down Geno's throat. He'd happily swallow it up, slipping out a wrapper with protection inside. Unwrapping it, he'd slip it onto Reaper's member, in which stood proud up in front of him. Reaper would be panting as Geno climbed on top of him, playing with his ribs whilst slowly slipping his entrance onto the protected member. Having had it been penetrated before, it didn't take long for him to adjust. Whilst doing so, Geno would lovingly slip his tongue into Reaper's mouth, the tongues battling within their mouths. Geno, obviously, won. He'd explore his newfound territory, not missing an inch of it. Lightly going up and down on Reaper's member, he'd pull away for sweet air. Geno would reluctantly slip off his scarf, only to the Reaper's hands together with it so he wouldn't try anything. As Geno lightly bounced on the member, Reaper would buck his hips, attempting to go deeper. Geno, still keeping a hand to Reaper's spine, would grip his own member and sit up as he continued to ride Reaper. He'd look over to see how helpless Death was under him, beginning to realize why Reaper enjoyed being dominant so much. Rubbing his fingers over the shaft over his own member, Geno would speed up the pace in which he'd bounce on Reaper's member and thus earning a loud moan from Death. After a bit, Geno would be slamming himself onto Reaper's member and filling the room with sexual music. Reaper, having came into the protection Geno had put on him many times before, came one last time before passing out under him due to exhaustion. (or overstimulation, you choose.) Having noticed this, Geno would slide himself off to Reaper's member and dispose of the protection as he slipped pajamas onto the both of them. Pulling the blanket over himself and Reaper, he'd cuddle up to Death's chest.

"That was fun... Let's do it again sometime"


HOO BOI finally finished that
That took longer than expected, very sorry for the holdup on it ;w;
If you are wondering, the reason the requests are closed currently is because I need to finish all the chapters I promised to do, also (shameless plug btw) I highly suggest checking out my other oneshot book titled "Random stories", I'd like for it to get more attention! Everything there will either be fluff or backstories, although requests are open on it!

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