New start

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Ohh my god, I am again late....why I am like that.....
I just wake up from bed, grabbed white dress from closet..and go to washroom.
I skipped breakfast...and run for office....
Oh my god , again i forgot keys of scooty.
Somehow reached office , already half an your late, but no problem as i am start employee of office, so i am not that much worry.
But today everyone seems little different, i mean more busy....but why?
I felt environment little change...
I asked jesu...what happened, here?

Ohh, alvira, you forgot , from now we are going to work under new boss.He joined us today.And important thing is , he is very strict and i dont know why angry all time.
Ohh, i forgot...ok, i am going to my desk..
No , first go there...he is waiting for you...she said.

What ??mere but why?

Because,you are late and its crime here from now..
I said...okk okk i am going .. dont worry, i will make excuse....there.

We laughed together.

May , I come in sir? I asked

Yess, come in, he replied.

Sir , you called me..?

Boss:who are you?

Alvira: I am Alvira Singh sir.

Boss:you are fired.

I shocked. what the bullshit he is saying.?no  i will not accept this. He is that much arrogant...even he is not looking at me.
May i know the reason, Sir? I asked

Then he move towards me.and started glaring at me for a few minutes in a very stranger manner.

Because ,you are late. He replied.

This is injustice, i will not accept this.i apologized for being late and i will not be late again Sir.

I will not accept your apology, now get out.

Then you can give me punishment, but not fired.

His mischievous smile gives me strange feeling .
Okk, your punishment is that you will work as my personal will work at same place where i am working.....
You can now leave job, when you and me both agreed..
We will sign a contract for this.
What???is it punishment??
Yess, this will be challenging for you?

I am upgraded Sir by this punishment and so i will take it as a permotion...
And i am not afraid of challenges...

Okk, let's sign contract.

Now go to work. Whenever paper will be prepare, i will call you.

And listen , get ready for the hell.

I said, i am excited Sir.

Then i leave..

Nearly 6 o'clock he called me..

I want into his cabin...he three paper on my side side, .
Read it and sign it...he said.

I signed it without anger...

And three paper on his Face...
I used to be very polite but this man dont deserve this...

He stand up and laughed and laughed and laughed.

I shouted, stopppppp.

He came closer to me...i stepped back..
More closer i stepped back.

He forcefully hold my head,and started kissing me....

I tried to escapeout but cant...

I put my heels on his leg, then he left me.
You tried to rape me....i will sue you, you rapist.

He suddenly pressed my chain and said , you greedy girl, you can do anything for money, today you are not liking all this.
Have you forgot , that day?
What, that was you?who broke.......
All that moments start coming in my mind.
I started crying...
He sar on the chaiye, looking at me..
Then i tried to ran from there..
But he caught me....
I am quiting this job, now let me go.
He laughed, but i am.not agree,madam.

And one more thing, read contract again, its not like are thinking.
He pushed me towards desk...
I read the paper..and again my mistake and irresponsibility leads me to trouble.

Its a betrayal, i turned towards him..and slapped.

He become angered...and hold my hand tightly....and took me next to the door.

We reached basement, i again tried toslap him but...this time he shouted, you are my servant, whatever i want to do i can ...
Then he forcefully threw me in the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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