Chapter 4 ~ Bad News

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1 Month later, Letty is 2 Months Pregnant

Letty’s P.O.V

I sat in my room talking to the little bump in my belly. I have spoken to Dom over the phone a few times, and have been to see him two more times. They were all happy conversations and we have started to talk about things for the baby, money wise and just about other fun things. Although we haven’t started talking about baby names just yet, and I want to decide on a name for a girl and a boy before the baby is born, so it’s one that Dom and I both love. I am going to see him in a couple of days and I will talk to him about it then.

Just as I was getting up, the phone started ringing. I quickly made my way downstairs and picked it up.


“Hey baby, it’s me” I was shocked to be getting a call from Dom today.

“Hey Dom, what’s going on, are you okay? Why are you calling me today?” Had something bad happened?

“Yeah I’m okay baby, I am just calling to tell you that I… um, I” He kept stuttering and it was making me nervous.

“Baby, what’s going on?, you can tell me.”

“I’m so sorry Let, I can’t have visitors for 2 months” My heart sank.

“What! Why, what happened Dom!?”

“I got into a fight with some other guys okay, its no big deal”

“Well clearly it’s a big deal if I can’t visit you for 2 months!” How could this be happening! “Am I able to call you?” Oh God what if I wasn’t able to even hear his voice for 2 months.

“Im so sorry Let” I could almost feel the tears make their way towards my eyes. “It’s gonna be okay baby, I promise. You can still write to me and I will write back you as fast as I can.”


“Letty?” I could hear his voice but I couldn’t think.

“Let? Baby are you there?”

“Yeah, yeah, sorry… I’m here.” I managed to get out.

“I love you Let, okay and I will write to you soon, I promise”


“I have to go baby, I love you”

“I love you too Dom”

The line went dead. I was a little angry at Dom, but I know it’s not all his fault, he has been doing so well lately. To be honest it was only two months without properly seeing him. I would be fine, I guess it was just the pregnancy hormones getting to me. I have honestly never cried as much in my life as I have in the past two months!”


Later that afternoon I was sitting outside when I heard the guys and Mia arrive home.

“Let?” Mia called

“Outside” I called back

“Hey Let, how has your day been?”

“Um, okay I guess” I didn’t know how I was supposed to tell her that she couldn’t see her brother for two months.

“You look at bit off? You sure you're okay”

“Um, look Mia, we need to talk. Come sit down” She gave me a confused look but sat down next to me.

“Letty what’s going on?” I sighed

“Mia, I’m really sorry but, we uh… we can’t visit Dom for 2 months”

“WHAT!, what the hell happened?”

“He got into a fight with a guy at the prison, self defence that’s why it is only two months, we can’t call him, only contact we can make is by letter” That last park only came out just barely a whisper. Mia looked at me with sad eyes.

“Oh Let” She pulled me into a hug.

“Mia i’m fine seriously, I think I’ve got a handle on the hormones because I haven’t cried for a while” I was partially laughing now and so was Mia.

“Okay, lets go talk about baby stuff shall we?” To be honest I haven’t heard a better idea for a few weeks.

“That sound great”


Mia’s P.O.V

I groaned as I rolled over on my bed to turn off my alarm. It was Saturday morning and I must have forgotten to turn it off last night. I sighed as a peaceful silence washed over me. Finally some time to myself. I rolled back over and was about to fall back to sleep when I heard a door open and slam at the end of the hall and then footsteps running past my door and into the bathroom. Then I heard someone throwing up and I immediately realised it would be Letty.

I got up and walked towards the bathroom after grabbing my water bottle from beside my bed.

“Let? Can I come in”

I just heard her grunt in response so I walked in. I passed her the bottle of water and stood up. “You okay?”

“Yeah I’m fine, just morning sickness” She said softly

“You need anything?”

“Na, I’ll be fine, you go back to bed”

“Okay I’ll see you when I wake up” I was too tired to fight with her about helping.


I turned around “Yeah”


“No problem Let” I smiled and headed back towards my room. 


It was about 11:30 when I was downstairs making breakfast for everyone.

“Mmmm can I smell pancakes?” I heard Letty from the stairs.

“Maybe” I answered back. A few seconds later she walked through the door into the kitchen smiling like crazy. “What’s got you so happy” I asked.

"Food" I laughed.

"Of course"

Once breakfast was cooked and the guys had come upstairs we all sat around the table eating.

I looked around at everyone, they were all so happy with eachother. I just couldn't wait til Dom got home and we could be a family.


A/N - Sorry, I know some of these chapters are short, but I will speed things up more now, so we will soon have some Dotty.


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