{camp walden for girls}

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I will update this story once it gets 5 votes :)


The buses heading for Camp Walden was filled with girls, newbies and the old ones alike. When the buses parked all of them spilled out chattering with their new friends and going to and fro trying to look for their duffel bags or their bunkers.

The camp counsellor Marvas Kulp Sr. welcomed the new members and with a bull horn which she handed over to her daughter who was calling out the names of the newbies and giving telling them which bunker they belonged to. The scene of chaos pans out and there was a little boy surrounded by girls who were giggling. He frantically explained to a supervisor that he thought it was a boys' camp which made the girls around him giggle harder.

Another counsellor stood near the bus' trunks and caught the yellow duffel thrown to her. She walked towards a small heap of duffels and threw the yellow duffel on top of it. Just then, a girl jumped up with a smile bright as the sun as she saw her duffel. The girl had soft brown curly hair down to her shoulders pulled into a half up, half down style with a Dirty Pigs hat and big brown eyes behind her sunglasses.

"Ok! I found my duffel!" she exclaimed excitedly with a distinct Australian accent and put one hand out to grab her duffel when about ten more landed above it rendering it impossible to get out.

"Now the question is... how do I get it out?" she asked herself as she walked around the heap trying to look for a strap that would enable her to grab her duffel, putting her shades on the top of her head. She saw the strap poking out and grabbed it, heaving and pulling but it just wouldn't budge.

"Ok, I can do it," she cheered herself and pulled continuously, but the duffel won't budge.

"Ok, no I can't," she said in a cheery voice that veiled the sarcasm that was dripping from the sentence.

"You must be new," said a knowing voice on her right and Emmi glanced at the speaker.

"How can you tell?" she asked still trying to pull her duffel.

"You didn't know how to grab your duffel before the apes tossed it in the heap," the girl said. She had long brown hair pulled back into different braids and rectangle glasses.

"I would say you need some help," the girl continued.

"Thanks, it's the big yellow one." Emmi said and the two pulled and pulled with no luck whatsoever.

Her friend breathed out loudly, dropping the strap. She leaned against the heap of luggage, looking at the curly haired girl, smiling when she noticed the hat on her head. "Cool hat," she said to Emmi.

"Thanks, it's a going away gift from my dad," she acknowledged with a smile that reached her eyes. A somewhat taller girl with blonde hair wearing a colorful dyed shirt went over to the other side of the heap and easily pulled out her black duffel. The two girls looked at her in awe.

"Now that's my kind of woman." Emmi remarked in astonishment but her new friend was way ahead of her.

"Yo tie-dye girl!" she called out and the girl looked around and noticed the two waving her over; she went over to them and Emmi pointed out her duffel sheepishly.

"Could you give me a hand? My duffel's the yellow one buried way in there," she said and watched as tie-dye girl easily pulled it out of the heap.

"Wow! You're from Australia?" tie-dye girl asked with awe evident in her eyes.

"You are? Do you live in Sydney?" the girl with glasses asked too.

"What are you two-Lucy and Ethel? I live in Melbourne, and I live next door to a vineyard," she explained.

"A what-yard?" Zoey (the tie-dye girl) asked confusion on her face.

"A vineyard. It's where you grow grapes to make wine. That's what we do, me and my Dad, we own a vineyard. What bunk are you guys in?" she answered them.

"Arapahoe." Zoey and Nicole (the girl with the round glasses) said.

"Emmi Brooks?!" announced Marvas Kulp Jr. into the bullhorn. Emmi stood on a few duffels and waved her hand, "Right here!" she called out getting the counsellor's attention.

"Arapahoe!" she called out and the three girls high-fived and started towards their bunkers.

"So, either of you by any chance know how to play poker?" Emmi asked excitedly.

"Nah..." answered the two in unison.

"No? Gee, what a shame. So, how much cash did you guys bring with you this summer?" she continued to ask when a Range Rover came up behind them and impatiently honked. The three girls whirled and looked at it amazed.

"Wow, who is in there?" Emmi wondered as she continued to walk away.

The vehicle stopped and the back door of the Rover opened and out went a blonde man with hot pink highlights in his hair, wearing a blue tshirt and brown khakis, surveying his surroundings excitedly. He held out his hand for the other occupant of the car. A young girl with long curly brown hair in a tight side French braid and brown eyes stepped out and adjusted her pink sundress, taking in the new environment with interest.

"Well, here we are! Camp Walden for girls; we traveled all the way from New York for this," he said with enthusiasm n in his voice as he followed his niece to a cemented area.

"Well it's rather picturesque, don't you think?" she asked him with a huge smile.

"Can't I stay with you?" He asked excitedly, as his niece giggled. He smiled. "Right, let's review your mother's list, shall we?" Frankie said as he took out a notebook and pen from his pocket and looked at the list carefully while his niece watched him amused.

"Vitamins?" he asked.

"Check," she answered.



"Daily intake of fruits and vegetables?"

"Check, check,"

Frankie glanced at his niece with a raised eyebrow and she giggled.

"Check for fruits, check for vegetables," she explained with a smile, "Go on," she prompted him.

"Sunblock, lip balm, insect repellant, stationary, stamps, photograph of your mother, grandmother and of course your fabulous uncle, me!" he enumerated as the driver lined up four pieces of identical luggage beside the two. "And of course, your uncle Zac." He said with less enthusiasm as he put away his notepad and smiled at her.

"Got it all I think," she giggled and Frankie looked a bit flustered.

"Oh! And here's a little something from your grandmother: a spanking new deck of cards! Maybe you'll find someone on this continent who can flip your tush in poker," he said mischievously looking around as if trying to see if anyone dared.

"Well I doubt it, but thanks. Thanks for bringing me here Uncle Frankie," she said smiling. Her uncle's face suddenly became scrunched as he tried to fight back tears and he hugged his niece tightly. He let her go but held on to her hands and looked her in the eyes.

"And remember, if you change your mind and want me to pick you up before the end of camp, I'm only a phone-call away," he assured her, rubbing her hands comfortably.

"Thanks, but I'll be fine," she assured him with yet another one of her smiles, "Really! See you in eight weeks Uncle Frankie," she assured in a fonder tone.

"Missing you already, Queen of my Heart," he told her and stuck out his hand. She gladly took it and shook it vigorously and the two started their secret handshake with butt bumps and shimmying. When it was over, the two really shook hands and Frankie kissed his niece's forehead.

"Have fun Avia," he whispered looking her straight in the eyes.

"I will," she answered with a little giggle and watched him go towards the Range Rovers door.

"Toodles!" her uncle called out raising a hand and wiggling his fingers.

"Toodles!" Avia answered him doing the same wave and watched him climb the vehicle which pulled away after honking. A huge smile covered her face and she squealed, twirling around in excitement.

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