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"Alright mom this is a list of all the things we do with the kids, what times they go to bed, what they eat and can't eat."
"Dawn Nita I know how to take care of children, I raised you didn't I?"
"Yeah and look how well I've turned out. C'mere babies. While mommy's are away I need you to listen to grandma and papa. Help them out ok."
Babe we still have to get through security.
Alright. "Go give mommy a hug." I say to the little ones. "Princess?"
"Yes, Momma?"
"If Ju And Jaxx aren't listening to grandma and papa remember what I told you?"
"Yes Momma." I pulled Jordan in for a hug picking her off the ground and walking towards Silver. I handed Jordan over to Silver and picked up the boys squeezing them tight.
"Alright mom we got to go." She nodded grabbing the boys hands and telling Jordan to hold Jaxx's hand.
Bags have been checked and Silver and I thought it best not to bring carry ons. We stood in the line that was slowly moving forward. When it was finally Silver's turn I have to watch carefully as she stepped through, and then waved the wand, then it was my turn. All clear. We walked until we found our terminal, an hour before the plane would be boarding.
"Babe, I know this sounds really weird and everything, but now that we have kids and are married I kinda wanna talk to you about something." I smiled at her to continue. "Well I kinda don't want the kids to be all we talk about, like I know we're their parents and they are responsibility. What I'm trying to say is-"
"That they're not all we can talk about and you want us to talk about other things." I love you, and I love the beautiful children that you made, but trust me they're not going to be the only thing that we talk about.
You're like the best person anyone could ask for.
Nah, this is just all for you. She interlaced our fingers together. It's kind of crazy don't you think?
Me and you, who would have thought. But I'm like super happy it did. Also by the way we're only going to be in Ireland for like a day and a half. So we can make it back by graduation.
Whatever time I get to spend with you is all I need especially since the kids were born. It's been a lot harder to get you to myself.
I know and I'm sorry plus you were throwing me that big party/wedding. Come, they called our section.
They've only called first class.
I know, come it's going to be a long flight. We can get some rest before we get there.
Wait a second it didn't say first class yesterday.
Babe, I upgraded the seats when I was checking in our bags.
Oh ok. Then she placed her forehead on my chin.
Silver I told you that you don't have to do that.
I know but I wanted to.
I smiled, after you. I made that gesture with my arm and I followed Silver to the little small line for first class. I saw this man checking her out, kind of out of instinct and jealousy I wrapped my arm around her waist. She turned and kissed my cheek. Then the man's eyes widened. Thank god.
That guy over there in the blue button down was checking you out. I watched her turn her head, look him in the eye, and then laugh.
I mean he's not bad looking but he's definitely no stunner like my wife. I smile at her and pull her forward to get our tickets scanned and passports stamped. They lady nodded her head at us after giving us back our passports. Our seats were the first row as we sat down I placed my hand on Silvers thigh. I relaxed a bit, for someone who has done as much traveling as I do, I'm actually afraid of flying. We watched as the rest of the passengers filed onto the plane. Relax.
How can I, you know we're about to fly over the ocean.
Yes, if you wanna go for a quickie in the bathroom to help you relax then we can, but you'll have to be quiet. Once we get into the air ok.
As much as I want to say that's gross and unsanitary, that's actually kinda hot. Also you're just the same amount of horny as you were when you were pregnant.
Have you looked at yourself in the mirror.
Yeah to be honest I think I look scary with my eye and all.
Not at all, C'mere.
Hmm. I turned to look at her and she kissed my lips.
"I'm so lucky to be married to you and have 3 children with you. And you shouldn't doubt how much I find you attractive." She actually said out loud. Not only did she say it out loud but she said it right as the guy that was checking her out had just boarded the plane walking by us. He gave us a sideways glance, I mean like he cocked his head to the side like he was listening. Shook his head and headed for his seat in the back. Some people don't know how to mind their own business.
The last few passengers gathered onto the plane.  When we started moving the flight attendants began the whole seatbelt, life vest, exits, and oxygen masks thing. Once the plane started speeding up I squeezed a little tighter on Silver's thigh closing my eyes.
Babe you can open your eyes. Alright when they turn the seatbelt sign off get up and go to the bathroom lock the door for a minute and then I'll come in.
Babe they're gonna kick us off the plane.
They will not we're in the air. Silver chuckled at me. I sat there looking up for that stupid seatbelt sign to turn off. By now everyone in first class was either asleep or so busy on their devices to notice that I gotten up. I locked the small stall for what seemed like a minute until Silver finally opened the door. She locked it behind her, there was barely any room in here so I don't know how exactly we're supposed to do this.
Silver obviously knew I was feeling a bit weird about it when she attacked my lips. She unbuttoned, and unzipped my pants in one go. She stuffed her hands down my pants into my underwear finding my clit, teasing me. Her low moans come from my mouth gave her like this will to please me when she shoved two fingers inside of me. She began to suck at that spot on my neck, that made my knees weak and she entered inside and outside of me. "Silver. Fuck." She placed her hand over my mouth pumping faster muffling my moans. Just as she got me all worked up while still pumping and placed her thumb on my clit. Moving her thumb in a circular motion. I was reaching my orgasm, cumming all over her and and soaking my underwear. I placed my head on her shoulder as she pulled her hand out, she sucked on her fingers which was hot as fuck. Thank you.
No problem, babe. Now you out first.
What about you.
Don't worry once we get to the hotel you can do me wherever you'd like. My mouth hung open. Go before people get suspicious.
Ok. I walked out and back to my seat and a minute and a half later Silver was sitting right next to me. She smiled at me making my heart flutter. I kissed her then leaned my head on her shoulder and placing my hand where it was on her thigh. She picked up my hand and interlace our fingers. Get some rest. I closed my eyes and right before I fell asleep I heard her whisper, "I love you, my puppy."

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