The Instantaneously Annoying Brothers

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[Hayden at top]

The Instantaneously Annoying Brothers » 2


    As we approached my cousins office door, we ditched our now empty coffee cups in the trash, and were about to walk in until we heard voices. So instead of busting in, we knocked and got in return Anthony's voice saying 'come in'.

When we walked in, first thing I noticed was a dark-skinned girl with blonde and black or brown short hair sitting on top of his desk, chewing gum with a bored expression on her face.

"Hey Michael, Hayden" exclaimed my cousin from behind his desk, getting up and coming towards us with a "long time no see."

"Anthony" I exlaimed as we did the bro hug.

When I was done, my brother came up and did the same, then made his way to the girl on the desk. All the while her watching him with a bored expression on her face.

Michael walked up and grabbed her hand saying with a flirty smirk on his face "Michael Christensen at your service, what's your name?" making her eyes go wide in shock then a blush tint her cheeks.

Anthony chuckled, then said "Michael, Chrys," then added "Chrys, Hayden and Michael" he said motioning to my brother and I.

All we got was a "Sup" in reply, and then she looked straight at me and said "What's up with your shirt?"

Michael busted out with laughter, making me blush. I, in return sent a glare towards my brother.

I quickly stuck a smirk on my face and said cockily to her "Long story short a girl spilled her coffee on me, so she could have a reason to screw me."

She scoffed, rolled her eyes then walked up to Anthony and asked "So these dorks are your famous cousins?"

So blunt I practiacally choked, but also with this cute tilt to her head, making her look innocent at the same time.

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