Chapter 1

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Somewhere in Sakura New Town overnight,a large object crashed into a field.It was metallic and somewhat gigantic.The unusual shape revealed that it was a space ship.It was torn to pieces from the crash and started to smoke.A mysterious figure came out from the ship and looked at their surroundings,with another figure joining them.
The figure spoke,"Sir,is this the place?"
"Yes,Sakura New Town. The place where the boy takes residence." The dark figure smiled sinisterly,"That boy and his friends sent me to space for five years! Now,it's his turn to suffer. I'll make his life miserable or if my name isn't Gogogo Godfather!"
The other figure replied,"Sir,your name is Gogogo Godfather."
"I know that! Be quiet!"Gogogo Godfather shouted. He rubbed his hands together,"Now then,where should we start?"
Morning came and it was a new day. Keita was with Inaho at his house.They were talking about things that happened the past year.
Keita sighed,"Man,I think Fubuki is having her baby soon."
"Really? Is it almost time?"Inaho asked.
Keita replied,"I think so. It's been about six months ever since she told us the news."
"I can't believe it's been that long."Inaho was surprised that event happened a few months ago.
"Yeah.....I remember it like it was yesterday." Keita started to remember when he and his adopted family discovered that Fubuki was having a baby.

-Flashback starts-

Fubuki was in the bathroom after she finished a pregnancy test.She gasped as she read the results.
"It's happening! I have to tell them!"Fubuki exclaimed as she rushed out of the bathroom.
Little did she know,she accidentally left the test on the counter as Jibanyan walked into the bathroom.Jibanyan noticed the test,"Ooooo,pretty stick!" She picked it up and saw an unfamiliar word on it.She walked out of the bathroom to see her family staring at her.
Jibanyan asked,"What does pr......pragnent mean?"
Keita face palmed as Fubuki responded,"It says pregnant. It means I'm having a baby!"
Whisper hugged Fubuki,"I'm so glad! We're going to be a bigger family!"
"What?!"Jibanyan was shocked to hear the news.
Keita looked at her with a smile,"You're going to be a big sister! Are you excited?"
She mumbled,""
Fubuki turned back to Jibanyan,"And sweetie,you might want to put that down. I.....peed on it."
"Ewwwww!"Jibanyan screamed as she dropped the test.

-Flashback ends-

"Heh heh,good times."Keita chuckled.
"Speaking of times,I can't believe you just turned sixteen a month after that happened."Inaho interrupted.
Keita sighed,"Don't remind me.It's suppose to be a big part in my life,but I still feel so.....average.
"Hey,you're not! Cut that out!"Inaho teased.
"Ok,I'll stop with the average jokes,but.....I'm starting to think what it'll be like when Fubuki does have the baby."Keita pondered.
"She'll be busy,won't she?"Inaho questioned.
Keita had regrets at the thought of it,"Whisper will also be busy with the baby.....I just hope it doesn't effect my own life."
"Fubuki and Whisper can take care of the baby theirselves,but they will need help.They have Jibanyan and-"Inaho got cut off by Keita,"That's the problem. I don't want Jibanyan to be caught up in this.It wouldn't be fair for her to help with the baby. When we were her age,we didn't have any responsibilities.I don't want Jibanyan to be forced upon that responsibility.That's why I'm planning on helping my adoptive parents out,so my sis doesn't have to worry. She's just a kid and I want her to live like one."
"I understand.I feel the same about Usapyon.It's already not easy for him to live his own twelve year old life.Especially when Hughley and Daimon make us babysit Holly sometimes. Usapyon usually ends up taking care of her since I have a lot of school work on my hands.I try my best to help him when I can......"Inaho felt guilty.
"Don't feel so bad.Besides,I'll be helping you guys when you babysit Holly next time."Keita winked.
"Thanks,I appreciate your help."Inaho smiled.

In another room,Jibanyan and Usapyon were having a conversation.Jibanyan was unusually quiet,looking down at the floor.
"What's wrong?"Usapyon was concerned.
Jibanyan looked up at him,"Oh,'s know.....some people still aren't used to.....the new me."
"'s ok. You just transitioned almost a year ago.There will be people who aren't used to it."Usapyon tried to cheer her up.
"But....they're so used to you....."Jibanyan mumbled.
Usapyon laughed nervously,"That's because no one really knew I was transitioning and thought I was a guy the whole time.Even I didn't know that I was born as a girl."
" you think people will see me as a girl someday?"Jibanyan asked.
Usapyon put his arm around her,"Yes,I already see you as the girl that you are.You're so pretty."
"You're making me blush....."Jibanyan blushed at his compliments.
Usapyon replied,"I can't wait until we get married and have kids."
"Yeah,I would like that....."Jibanyan suddenly had a thought and felt distressed.
Usapyon noticed this,"Hey,don't tell me you're thinking about what others think.I don't want you to be upset."
"No,it's just.....I was thinking about how our owners got married and had kids of their own."Jibanyan sighed.
"Oh's ok. They have to live their own lives too."Usapyon responded.
Jibanyan said,"I know,'s so scary how fast they got married. Emi got married three years ago."
"Well,so did Hughley,but it doesn't bother me."Usapyon laughed weakly.
Jibanyan still felt worried,"I got used to Emi being married to......ugh.....Jerry,but.....they already have three kids! I don't want them to have any more!"
"Hey,didn't Emi tell you they won't have any more kids?"Usapyon questioned.
Jibanyan nodded her head,"Yeah.....but it still scares me.Emi doesn't have time for me......"
"Don't be scared,Hughley's still busy with his job and puts Holly on me.It doesn't bother me really." Usapyon comforts her.
"It still bothers me.......I thought I would get to spend more time with Emi when she got that watch,but.....I was wrong."Jibanyan was saddened by this,
Usapyon petted her,"Hey,you still got me.At least we spend a lot of time together."
"You're right.Emi has to do her job as a fashion designer at home now and she has three kids to take care of.I should leave her alone."Jibanyan exclaimed.
"Let's just enjoy the time we do spend with our owners.It's the thought that counts."Usapyon said as Jibanyan agreed with him.

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