Chapter 37

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Harry groaned as he closed the final pocket of his carry on bag. He looked at his phone and sighed as the battery indicator blinked from 3% to 2.

"Shit" He grumbled as he powered his phone off and tossed it on to the small table in front of him.

"Is everything ok, Mr Styles?" The bubbly, blonde air steward asked as she came up behind him, leaning over his chair, venturing far closer than she needed to. It was times like this he was struck by how much he missed Nora when they were apart. Blondey wouldn't be nearly so friendly if he had Nora sitting across from him, scowling at most woman that paid him more attention than strictly necessary. A smile flitted over his face at the thought of her. He liked her jealous side. Some men were put off by it but hell, it turned Harry on if he was honest. Least she wasn't afraid to show him how she felt.

"My phones ran out of battery and I've packed my charger in my suitcase. Any chance you have a spare iPhone cable lying about?" He asked hopefully.

"I'm sure we must have one lying about here somewhere. Give me a moment and I'll have a look for it" She smiled sweetly before she sashayed back up the aisle leaving Harry to twiddle his thumbs. He was cursing himself now for not bringing his laptop on holiday. Without his phone or his laptop he had no way of getting in contact with anyone and he hadn't thought to pack a book in his hand luggage so he had absolutely nothing to do on the other half of this 22 hour flight from Male to LAX.

While the air steward looked for a charger he decided to move from the chairs out the front to the bed in the back. Best thing about having access to private jets, getting a decent sleep while being 37,000 feet in the air.

There was a soft tap at the door as Harry removed his boots and placed them inside the small cupboard in the corner. The bedroom might not have been big but at least he knew he'd get to sleep and not wake up with a crick in his neck. Maybe he could sleep away the majority of this flight.

"Mr Styles, I'm afraid we don't have a cable for your particular phone on board this flight" The voice came apprehensively.

"No worries. Thanks for checking" Harry tried to control the irritated sigh that began to escape.

"Let me know if you need anything else, Sir"

He heard her heels hit the floor as she moved away from the bedroom as his head hit the pillow.


"I have an IC1 female with definite head trauma in the back seat. No sign of movement. The door is jammed shut, I can barely find the handle it's so wrecked, are the fire brigade on their way?"

"I have 2 IC1 males in the front, these doors are opening though, we'll get them out. The fire brigade are 2 minutes out"

If the paramedic stood still enough he would probably hear the tell tale sound of the incoming sirens. But he didn't have time to stand still. This was a shit show.

"Shit. There's a car seat in the back. Fuck there's a kid!" He yelled alerting his superior to the fact this shit show just got 10x worse. "I need the cutters here pronto" He yelled across the street.

"Is the child breathing?" Another paramedic came rushing to his aid but there was nothing they could do without access inside the vehicle. Even with the two guys out of the front there was still no way to get access to the back the car was so badly crumpled. Broken glass and carbon fibre littered the street.

"I can't tell, the females body is covering her. I can see her feet. There's a lot of bloody and no movement"


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