Chapter 17

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[You and I, not even the gods above, can separate the two of us.]

Graduation Day.

I take a seat along side Zayn in our gold colored cap and gown. It's crazy how times flies , it feels like yesterday when Zayn and I made it official to be together and now we're graduating together, it feels so serial to get everything I ever wanted. Being loved by someone who knows everything about you. I'm so thankful in having Zayn in my life, he's been nothing but perfect towards me.

"You ok?" Zayn questioned, caressing my cheek.

I nodded and genuinely smile. "Yeah I'm more than okay, I'm happy with you."

Zayn smiles, placing a sweet kiss on my lips and pulls back. "I'm happy as well, you are the best person I've ever meant and I'm happy to start a family with you in the near future."

"I would love that Zayn, I'm just worried about my mothers reactions. I wanna tell her about us, but I'm afraid of her outburst and I should wait till tomorrow." I say nervously. I've never felt so anxious in my life. I hope and pray my mother approves of us.

"Niall baby, if you keep postponing when your going to tell your mother about us, then you never will."

I sigh and nodded with what Zayn said. "Will you come with me to my house, when I tell her?" I questioned, biting my lips.

"Of course blue, you won't have to tell her alone. I will be their by your side." Zayn says, then planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Class of 2014. What a journey has been for all of you. Most of you are heading into the next stages into your life and I'm so proud to see you bring new ideas and dreams into this growing world. Some of you are going to colleges and others are following their dreams beyond college. Just remember do what makes you happy and find something that will bring joy and happiness to your life's. Now please wait patiently while we call your name to get your diploma." The principal chirped excited.

Eventually, I got up from my seat and went up to the stage and the principal shook my hand and gave me my diploma. I've heard some boos, but Zayn was loud enough cheering me on and I smiled.

"I'm glad to pronounce the class of 2014 officially graduated! Please put your tassel to the left! Congratulation!" Boomed the principal.

I put my tassel on the left and Zayn swiftly embrace me with a kiss and then everyone started to fling their caps up in the air.

"Party at my house!" Zayn yelled, making everyone cheer.


Zayn's party is pretty chilled not to crazy as others before, but I'm happy for everyone who graduated and moving to college and beyond.

I sit down on the couch with a glass of ice tea, the straw in between my lips and casually examine people having a good time. I'm a tad bit nervous for telling my mother about my relationship with Zayn, she probably thinking I've been with Jasmine all this time.

"Niall, you alright?" Liam questioned, Louis besides him holding his hand.

"Yeah I'm great. How are you guys doing?"

Liam has a big smile before he spoke, "Louis and I are doing wonderful, I'm glad he's given me nothing chance to prove to him that I love him."

"I love you to, Liam." Louis shyly spoke, kissing Liam's cheek.

"I'm happy for you both." I genuinely smile.

"Thank you Niall, you know how much I deeply regretted breaking you and Zayn's friendship in the past and beating you up in that closet. Not a day goes by that I wish, I could've prevented it." Liam spoke sadly.

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