Wait, Don't Stop..

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TRIGGER WARNING: Rape, Violence.

Kol and I had been best mates since primary school, for whatever reason girls didn't like me very much. As cliche as that may sound, Kol was my only friend. But ever since my move to Queensland I've seen less and less of him. Not to mention he's been acting strange lately, just last weekend we got together to see that new Elvis Presley movie "King Creole". He went to hold my hand at a romantic scene, something he had never done before. I retracted my hand, clearly this rejection stung as he left me to finish the movie alone. We didn't speak to eachother for a week, I didn't know what to say, or how to say it. Finally, he dialed me in the middle of the night. We spoke for maybe 20 minutes and I couldn't believe what I was hearing, my best mate had feelings for me, but why me? I never had a boyfriend before. They say gentlemen prefer blondes, so perhaps I had that going for me. But I was tall, frumpy and not elegant in the least. Kol towered over me with curly black hair, blue eyes and the body of a swimmer. I felt intimidated just by the mere thought of us being anything more than friends, surely he was just lonely. I caved nonetheless agreeing to a little "date". I couldn't relax for the next 3 days, I barely slept and a sudden rush of confidence blew over me. When friday did arrive, Kol picked me up in his 1949 red chevy truck, I wore a dress with black and white stripes. It was obvious that he put more efforts went into his appearance for this occasion. He wore a leather jacket, his hair slicked back and smelled of cologne instead of cigarettes. He drove for about 20 minutes before pulling up to a wooded area , no restaurant in sight. "I thought we could chat" He said, wrapping an arm around me. He sensed my unease as I started to tense up. " Woods are so quiet and peaceful, not a soul around to bother us." he said in a hushed tone tightening his grip on my arm. He reached in for a kiss only this time there was no objection on my part, but I soon pulled away as I felt him try to pry his tongue into my mouth. Completely unprepared for this assault, I tried to free myself from his embrace. Not missing a beat, he grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled , I went for the car door and ran into the woods. I soon realized I had no idea where I was going. I needed to cover real ground and put as much distance between us as possible. I could hear foot steps nearby, he was gaining on me.. This athlete was going to catch me, I was rapidly losing my breath in desperate need of a hiding spot. Finally, I saw an abandoned shed in the far off distance. It was quite shabby but just what I needed, the door was falling off the hinges and I could smell mold but I was able to huddle in the corner, all that remained was a blanket on the floor and a couch in the other corner which was visible through the door. The minutes soon turned into hours, and I lost the sound of his foot steps. I felt a safe and secure at this point. I crept out of the shed as quitely as possible, looking both ways. I took a few steps, the faint sound of footsteps suddenly returned. Before my fight or flight mode could truly kick in I was tossed by my waist to the forest floor. With a quick flick of his switchblade, I was powerless. He took no time cutting off my dress that my mother put so much effort into making. But I was determined to keep my undergarments, I had to crawl away, but I was crippled by fear. My brain was sending signals to my body that didn't quite register. Within seconds I was completely naked in front of my "mate". Wasting no time, he pulled some orange rope from his back pocket and quickly tied my hands behind my back. Unable to steady myself, I fell back hitting my head on a rock. My vision felt blurry and there was a slight ringing in my ears. The most natural reaction was to cry, unfazed he reached down and kissed me, cupping my cheek with his hand. Turning his focus to my neck, and even lower to my breasts. This perked my nipples right up, the mix of cold air wasn't in my favour. Getting a bit bolder, he continued going south kissing my tummy. "Im going to taste you today." He said full of desire. Within seconds his face was met with my vagina. Spreading the folds with his tongue he lapped at my pussy like a dehydrated puppy, licking up and down, I couldn't describe the feeling. He penetrated me with his tongue before sucking on my clit, which forced an extremely high pitch yelp out of me. I was about to experience my first orgasm when I noticed when I noticed him undoing his jeans. I couldn't let my first time happen this way, even with my hands tied behind my back I was prepared for war. I kicked and screamed, managing to kick him once in the jaw. He flew back from the force of my tiny foot, I saw my opportunity and attempted to crawl away. Clearly not quick enough as I felt a hand soon grab my "brown bomber" of a foot. Wiping away spit and blood, I knew he would take his anger out on me in the worst way imaginable. It didn't matter anymore, forcing my legs apart I decided it was in my best interest to stop fighting. Positioning himself between my legs, he his pushed thick cock inside, at first being met with a bit of resistance. I winced in pain as Kol inpaled me with his knob, yet he was only giving me a shallow thrusts. Starting to pound violently forcing my legs even further apart, my throat was met his hand. This sudden blockage of my airways made it just that more intense, I could feel myself about to slip out of conciousness. It was pointless to scream as any sound I made came out as a gasp for air. Finally releasing his hand from my throat, he flipped me onto my stomach. Once again positioning himself and wasting no time returning to deep thrusts. I didn't recognize the fact he was close to cumming. I was filled with his seed in seconds. I felt dizzy and dazed as he got up to dress himself, he sliced the rope freeing me from my bondage. I could hear the sound of his truck pulling off before I even found my left shoe. I couldn't wait to see him again next weekend.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2019 ⏰

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