The Vampire's Solace Part 8

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Hello again everyone! Sorry it took so long for a new part to be published. I've been busy with music performances and my quail cots (baby quail they're SO TINY AND ADORABLE AND FUZZY AAAAAHHHHH) finally hatched, so yeah lots of stuff's been going on. Anyway, on to the gayness I mean story hehe oops

Shouto crouched, readying to strike. The bear was DEFINITELY not normal, and it was taking him longer than usual to defeat. Katsuki growled from his left, briefly switching to his human form to say something (the bear roared right as he said it and Shouto couldn't hear) before switching back to wolf form and running and the bear. Shouto attacked as well, and they  managed to take the bear down after several more minutes of fighting. Shouto sank his fangs into the bear's neck, finishing it off. He turned, expecting to see Katsuki next to him, but instead found the wolf still trying to get up from where the bear had thrown him moments before.

"Hey Katsuki, you okay?" Shouto called, retracting his fangs. The werewolf glared at him and tried to stand up. The moment he put pressure on his right foreleg it buckled and he fell back to the ground. Shouto sighed. He'd have to fly Katsuki back to the castle, wherever it was. Floating off the ground, he rose just a few feet higher than the tops of the trees to get his bearings. The castle actually wasn't to far away, and he took a moment to think. Right now it was nearly midnight, and by the time he got back to the castle it would be after 12 for sure. Carrying Katsuki would slow him down, and he'd have to get Katsuki to his room and treat his wounds without Izuku or Eijirou noticing. Would they be up? Surely not, they-

The rest of the thought was lost as a bright purple wave of light blasted out from the castle. Shouto only had time to think 'what the-' before it hit him, sending him flying head-over-heels backwards, away from the castle. As soon as he could slow down, Shouto righted himself and started flying towards the castle again, scanning the woods for the clearing he'd left Katsuki in.

Hey again everyone, as usual I'm ending this with an apology. Sorry for the wait, and the shortness of the chapter. I also have to say that I won't be updating again until the 21st at the soonest, since I have Presbyterian Youth Triennium starting on Friday and a whole crapload of stuff to get done before then. I have one more trip afterwards, so I don't know how good I'll be about updating. Sorry! I am at least trying to update, so no trollish comments please. Everyone on here has a life outside of Wattpad, so think before you comment. Have a good week or so everybody!

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